Making a clone from dried bud?


Active Member
Is this at all possibe,

As an experiment im wondering if I could use some dried bud to grow into a plant.


Well-Known Member
no wont work, gotta be fresh man or refrigerated carfully for up to 2 weeks or so but no longer


Well-Known Member
yes it will work, and after its done it requires no drying time. ready to smoke right off the branch. lol


Well-Known Member
technically if it wasn't sensi bud there might be a few seeds in each piece of bud and you could bury that and it could sprout. guess it wouldn't be a clone though.


Active Member
Maybe if you got harcore science style and extracted the plants "dna" as I guess you would call it. And then some how grew it in like a petry dish idfk.


Well-Known Member
the answer is yes. first you must bury the bud halfway under the dirt and then water the buried bud twice daily with milk. after 3 weeks you will see multiple shoots start to grow.


Too many brownies
hey just bury all the buds you can find in will get a ton of female plants.

They take a little while to germinate though.