Making a living as a caregiver

I dont sell weed I charge for my services for growing and properly processing medicine . I make oils , butters , salves and more . I consult with my patients who wish to grow and as well I educate them on Cannabinoids and strains as well .. And I also custom tailor hybrids to there needs or I seek and find landraces and other strains needed on a individual basis .. This is only a percent of what I offer with my services though , I will gladly stand by my patients even on there death beds , and this I have done sad to say .

In the end I make a good living but I bust my ass and do not just grow , my grow alone costs over a 1000 a month to run and that is just the costs for utilities , rent and supplies .. Summertime A/C adds another 400 to the bill .. I drive all over the state to keep my patients happy as well , some live a few hundred miles away but yet select my services no matter ..

I could never look at what I do as a hobby for its a lifestyle and belief of mine that what I am doing is actually honorable and in the end I provide my patients with medicines and assistance as need be ..

Its best if we dont lump all caregivers into one figure as we are all different and some of us can make a great living while helping the sick and ill and some of us do a whole lot more than just sling sandwich baggies with the latest quick dried bud........

Peace out , I doubt that I ll add another word to this crossword puzzle of a thread ...........PotSnob
I dont sell weed I charge for my services for growing and properly processing medicine . I make oils , butters , salves and more . I consult with my patients who wish to grow and as well I educate them on Cannabinoids and strains as well .. And I also custom tailor hybrids to there needs or I seek and find landraces and other strains needed on a individual basis .. This is only a percent of what I offer with my services though , I will gladly stand by my patients even on there death beds , and this I have done sad to say .

In the end I make a good living but I bust my ass and do not just grow , my grow alone costs over a 1000 a month to run and that is just the costs for utilities , rent and supplies .. Summertime A/C adds another 400 to the bill .. I drive all over the state to keep my patients happy as well , some live a few hundred miles away but yet select my services no matter ..

I could never look at what I do as a hobby for its a lifestyle and belief of mine that what I am doing is actually honorable and in the end I provide my patients with medicines and assistance as need be ..

Its best if we dont lump all caregivers into one figure as we are all different and some of us can make a great living while helping the sick and ill and some of us do a whole lot more than just sling sandwich baggies with the latest quick dried bud........

Peace out , I doubt that I ll add another word to this crossword puzzle of a thread ...........PotSnob

Much can be learned from the wisdom and compassion of this man right here.
And how does anyone place a cost on their time? Is that the net gain of a laundry list of costs minus all proceeds taken in? No, time/hr. must be already added into the expense part of the equation... Many CGs I know only break even, or worse. The cost to produce an ounce is high and the profit is low. I've had ounces cost (approximately) 100 (before my hourly *expensive$/hr) and other ounces cost more than three times that to produce. Crop efficiencies can be similar to outdoor farming because things come up that vary the results.
Yes I agree he is what a caregiver should be , but that did not in anyway answer the question of , what does it cost to produce one ounce of MM ?

As I said, more variables would need to be defined. Based on a grow, you'd then have to figure .. how many hours are you in the grow room per day? and how much that time is worth to you? which will vary greatly between those trying to make a fast buck and those who are doing it to help the community. At this time, I can't throw out any number that could be used as a baseline, nor would I try to do so. Am curious what, if any other answers will appear besides PotSnobs though.
IMO that is not an answer that anyone should be spoon fed. If someone is determined to discover what they "hope" the costs may be, then I'd suggest that they commence with a budget equation of their own. Then other CGs may be comfortable adding in their opinions about specifics.When working on a budget, don't forget to somehow amortize Risk and possible Legal Issues. Also inventory all Equipment required in addition to costs of Rent or a Mortgage on a grow facility. Labor/Time per hour for beginners to skilled could range between 0 -50/ hr.
And how does anyone place a cost on their time? Is that the net gain of a laundry list of costs minus all proceeds taken in? No, time/hr. must be already added into the expense part of the equation... Many CGs I know only break even, or worse. The cost to produce an ounce is high and the profit is low. I've had ounces cost (approximately) 100 (before my hourly *expensive$/hr) and other ounces cost more than three times that to produce. Crop efficiencies can be similar to outdoor farming because things come up that vary the results.
Dr Bob put out a figure of $50 an ounce above cost , I'm looking at this from a patients point of view , if $50 above cost is a fair price but a patient can not be given a figure of cost it's impossible for the patient to know what it should or will cost for an ounce , its clear that no one wants to talk about costs , why is that ?
Homeless, 13, and Abe thanks for the laughs I pissed myself laughing.

Yes I agree he is what a caregiver should be , but that did not in anyway answer the question of , what does it cost to produce one ounce of MM ?
potentially it could cost you your freedom. Your home and everything u hav ever worked for.
The $$ cost will vary for each grower. Organic or Chem. Outdoor or in. Perpetual or flippin rooms. Last I heard from a larger grower I worked with he was figuring a $100 per unit cost. He then switched his nutes and lost weight so that number changed.
How much does it cost to read 15 years of high times and countless books, not to mention all the other lessons learned in perfecting this craft. I kinda compare it to any other trade school, only you have to beware of cops, robbers, and usually teach yourself. Everyone has differing opinions and techniques, knowing them all is really the best way to go.

In Jorge's book he breaks down cost of producing, but in my opinion he leaves out the learning curve. As with any other skill (lawyers, or doc's) a little profit for all that school is nice!
Dr Bob put out a figure of $50 an ounce above cost , I'm looking at this from a patients point of view , if $50 above cost is a fair price but a patient can not be given a figure of cost it's impossible for the patient to know what it should or will cost for an ounce , its clear that no one wants to talk about costs , why is that ?

What I put out was a discussion of how much margin would be needed for the caregiver to make x number of dollars profit a year. Cost vary I am sure depending on how you grow, your light bill etc. It is very individualized and the caregivers here are far better at being able to quantify that. The end result needs to be you have to cover your costs to actually grow, get something for your time, and charge your patients a fair amount.

Dr. Bob
Dr Bob put out a figure of $50 an ounce above cost , I'm looking at this from a patients point of view , if $50 above cost is a fair price but a patient can not be given a figure of cost it's impossible for the patient to know what it should or will cost for an ounce , its clear that no one wants to talk about costs , why is that ?

Well the main reasons are because most of these growers(caregivers) have not broken it down to a point where they can do that kind of math, why???I have no clue. Its only good business to know your bottom line. Its a business...right?

Costs will also vary between growers just in style of grow, experience and utility costs.

Once a caregiver has a good grasp of growing meds pricing should be easy.

Pricing has changed this year for me, my electrical and water had increased at the beginning of the year. As of now my pricing to produce a gram of high grade medical cannabis is now just under $3.00. So this works out to $85 an ounce. This is my price NOT including any labour incurred in the grow. Being a cancer patient myself time is a precious resource and although I enjoy gardening I need to eat also. This labour charge changes for every parient. My costs per unit varies from $100-150 depending on the income and amounts a patient requires. I don't want to rip anyone off but I need to eat and have bills myself.

Now I don't really sell cannabis, I sell a service and the by product is medicine, natural medicine. I get paid for my labour and experience not product.

I even hand out reciepts stating exactly that, Payment is for labour only.
I think I am back close to a dollar a gram on average..thinking about starting an LLC and paying taxes and all that jazz.

***to prove an income. not so I can get rich LoL
Okay so far the cost range is 28/84/100 per ounce ( fattiemcnuggins I would love to know how you grow at such a low cost) using a reasonable average of 90 plus 50 =140 an ounce , using Dr Bobs figures , a patient at 10 oz per month the 12 plants would have to produce 2.5 ounces per plant and the patient would have to spend 1400 each and every month for the caregiver to make the 30,000 per year .
The problem I see Dr Bob is finding 5 patients that can spend the 1400 each month , and the figure on the yield would be low so how would the caregiver get rid of the overages ?
And the second problem I see is that a caregiver that is growing for 5 patients should make 2 or 3 times that 30,000 .
Question for you caregivers , do you think 50 an ounce profit is fair ?
Well i for 1 is on s.s.d. and if i had to spend $1400. a month for my meds. shit i would have shit left over imo
Okay so far the cost range is 28/84/100 per ounce ( fattiemcnuggins I would love to know how you grow at such a low cost) using a reasonable average of 90 plus 50 =140 an ounce , using Dr Bobs figures , a patient at 10 oz per month the 12 plants would have to produce 2.5 ounces per plant and the patient would have to spend 1400 each and every month for the caregiver to make the 30,000 per year .
The problem I see Dr Bob is finding 5 patients that can spend the 1400 each month , and the figure on the yield would be low so how would the caregiver get rid of the overages ?
And the second problem I see is that a caregiver that is growing for 5 patients should make 2 or 3 times that 30,000 .
Question for you caregivers , do you think 50 an ounce profit is fair ?
You forgot to add in the fact the some caregivers are constantly spending more money on new genetics, most of which do not pass the test. This changes the number in cost for quality, yeild per square foot, and it completely screws predictability. I don't do all the math on my free stuff and actual profits. I'm pretty much against adding that thought pattern to it. I can assure you if I ever come anywhere near 50 oz of actual profit I will be amazed. I could simplify, grow less strains and quit trying new stuff, easily make it more profitable. Seems like its either love or money?

Okay so far the cost range is 28/84/100 per ounce ( fattiemcnuggins I would love to know how you grow at such a low cost) using a reasonable average of 90 plus 50 =140 an ounce , using Dr Bobs figures , a patient at 10 oz per month the 12 plants would have to produce 2.5 ounces per plant and the patient would have to spend 1400 each and every month for the caregiver to make the 30,000 per year .
The problem I see Dr Bob is finding 5 patients that can spend the 1400 each month , and the figure on the yield would be low so how would the caregiver get rid of the overages ?
And the second problem I see is that a caregiver that is growing for 5 patients should make 2 or 3 times that 30,000 .
Question for you caregivers , do you think 50 an ounce profit is fair ?
'Fair' is relative, but I'll attempt to word this one the best I can. What is asked for in the form of a donation means nothing if you're doing it purely for financial gain, as such.. if someone was on SSI/SSD, and/or they were barely making it financially and it was needed for their pain.. I would just ask that they donate what they felt they could without making their situation worse. That to me, goes much further in terms of helping, care, and compassion than anything else. If someone said they couldn't afford what X rate would be, and they're driving around in a new truck with a 350-500 dollar cellphone.. they'd get no break in that department.
Dr Bob put out a figure of $50 an ounce above cost , I'm looking at this from a patients point of view , if $50 above cost is a fair price but a patient can not be given a figure of cost it's impossible for the patient to know what it should or will cost for an ounce , its clear that no one wants to talk about costs , why is that ?

Because that question cannot be answered across the board. Each person could answer with THEIR cost but that would only apply to THEIR COSTS and mean nothing for someone elses cost. THERE ARE TOO MANY VARIABLES TO GIVE AN ACROSS THE BOARD COST.
Perhaps next time you will take the quote in context. The question was why was I on the computer at 9am or something, my response was that my clinic didn't start until later. It wasn't advertising, but you are welcome to take it up with the forum leaders for review. I don't advertise here.

Dr. Bob