Making a trip to the book store. which growers book should i buy?


Well-Known Member



The Joint Rolling Handbook

How To Grow Medical Marijuana

Todd McCormick - How to Grow Medicinal Marijuana

Three Things Marijuana Doesn't Do

The Truth About Marijuana

The Marijuana Growers Handbook

The Marijuana Grower's Guide - Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal

The Joys Of A Herb Garden At Home

The Home Cannabis Creator

The Emperor Wears No Clothes -Jack Herer

Rockwool - The Book

Robert C Clarke - Marijuana Botany An Advanced Study

Robert C Clarke - An Advanced Study, The Propagation and Breeding of Distinctive Cannabis

Organic Marijuana, Soma Style

Michael Starks - Marijuana Chemistry, Genetics, Processing and Potency

How To Grow Weed

How to Grow Marijuana Hydroponically

How to be a Pot Star Like Me - Stoned Again Weedshop

Guide Of Growing Marijuana, By Teleseeds

Greg Green - The New Cannabis Grow Bible

General Growing Rules and Notes

Exposing Marijuana Myths

Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Growing Tips

Cookbook of 12 marijuana recipes

Cannabis Grow Bible, 4th Edition

Cannabis - The Art And Science Of Cooking With Cannabis

Canabis Strainbase

Beginner's Guide to Growing Marijuana

Beginner's Guide to Growing Hash

Beginner's Guide To Growing Ganja

Overgrow - Pruning and Supercropping

Overgrow - Mancuring Your Crop

Overgrow - FIM Pruning Technique

Marijuana Growing Tips

Marijuana Growers Handbook

Deep Water Culture (DWC)

Connoisseur Cannabis Cure

Closet Cultivator


And save some trees.

Ahhh i wish i could rep you man. It says i need to spread it around some. I dont remember reping you lately but whatever.

This guy deserves some REP forsure.


Well-Known Member
I know i want something by Jorge but i dont know which one.

So should i get the "Marijuana Horticulture:The indoor/outdoor Medical marijuana growers bible"? This is the one was thinking of getting


Marijuana grow basics:The easy guide to Cannabis.

Marijuana Outdoors:Gorilla growing

Or a different one?
Don't be a sucker. Books are for idiots and I don't even think that Cervantes is that guy's real name.

What you wanna do is read any and all threads by some cat named @Finshaggy .

See, if you grow using Ed Rosenthal or Cervantes, you will end up with a good size crop of decent weed - depending on your genetics. But if you grow the Finshaggy way, you will give up about 99% of your yield but you will theoretically end up with weed so debilitatingly strong that you won't even want to smoke it. I know I wouldn't.

Did I mention that he has videos with whiteboards?