Making Balls on a Lady

Some strains are really tough to turn with CSilver. I sprayed a kush berry for 4 weeks before it formed balls. It was too late to pollinate the same plant cause the seeds wouldnt have ben done in time so I saved the pollen anyways. When spraying try not to hit the leaves, all you need to do is spray the budsites thats it no where else. I think the best method if your trying to get selfed seeds is planting two. Start one and then wait 2 weeks and start another aznd then plant them in the same pot. Start spraying the first one, every budsite, with CSilver when you see the first sign of budsites. Once a day is enough, no need for more. Now by the time the one you sprayed starts showing ball sacks the second one should be just going into flower and you will know youll have plenty of time to finish seeds. Good Luck.