Making Biochar- Need Steel Drums- Help


Well-Known Member
I'm finishing up a design for a simple barrel burner to make a bunch of Biochar cheap. A shitload... cheap.

The design uses 30 and 55 gallon steel drums / barrels. Anyone have any steel drum connections?

I'd rather buy from a brother than hit Craigs List

I'll share the plans and pics when I build it. Someone could build this and sell biochar or charcoal. Make a little business out of it. Get a write-off

Try carbon steel woks from many department or kitchen supply stores. A lid would help keep oxygen out and the wood from combusting.
Greg- Ya, but I'm building a double 55 gallon stack. I'm making a lot of biochar!!

St0w- Cool!!- standing by...
OK all required drums are on their way ! I'll post what the heck I'm doing. This unit will makes an awful lot of char.
You gonna sell it? There was a guy who sold biochar in michigan but he stopped making it. We need a local source.
No selling, but I think if people want to bring wood, I'll trade them for char. I'm doing it to build my shit sandy soil up north. That's just a part of the strategy, but a big initial part. Establish little islands for water, nutrients and microbes in the sea of sand. Then I can start linking the islands together with biomass. Char helps to keep a lot of nutrients from washing away initially.

This is a simple build and I'm hoping if I document exactly what to do that others will build them or something like them.

I'm about to commence on a two-stage deal. An upsizing of this: which is a modification of this:

So Building the big Jolly Roger, but with a double wall TLUD below as the Oz-man built in the first video. Is that a "toucan" - "two-can?"

The outer can allows for a slower burn while channeling a pre-heated air supply to the Syn gases. This secondary afterburn is at the heart of any of the newer TLUD cooktop designs for third world challenges. :

This is a nice video of the TLUD burn.

The standard 2-barrel TLUD makes less ash due to less O2. The secondary burn of the gasses is normally wasted, except in these two-stage designs, as the heat from the TLUD below heats and pyrolyzes a true retort above. What a great use of the heat from the TLUD below, I thought.
OK so after checking the dimensions of the airways, here's what I'm building:

First, here's a pic off the web that roughly shows what this looks like if you don't feel like watching the video above.

Screen Shot 2013-09-28 at 9.58.38 PM.jpg

This would look like two 55 gallon barrels one on top of another and a 4' section of stove pipe on top.

Schematics look scary, but here's the deal.

EDIT: ROI ability to attach pics is offline I read in another thread. Will post pic when I can.

This is a Jolly Roger Oven. A JRO. There are different variants. Mine has the Double barrel bottom, so I'm calling it the JRO-d.
Any welders / machinists out there? I'm going to need a rim of steel with a hole for the 4" pipe. I don't know steel, but I'm thinking like 14 or 16 ga steel? Not sure if they still use "gauge" to describe thicker steel like that. 4 1/2" tall ring, around 19" diameter. You can see it in the above pic with the pipe threaded into it.

I'd hire a brother before another so if there's someone, please lemme know.
30 gallon barrels of beauty arrived today. I'll start chopping them in a couple weeks. Don't hate me because they're beautiful

Hey Murph- getting this house ready to sell has just eaten me up. I look at the barrels daily. Soon , I hope
Hello Oriah-

Thanks for the thread bump, but my reply in post #14 is still in effect. I'm caught in a relocation vortex...