Making bubble hash


My partner and I are growing about 10 outdoor plants. We plan on using about 3-4 ounces of our yield to make bubble hash. I know the basic process and have it pretty much down but I need some tips.
If anyone could let me know:
-what bubble bags to use, where to get them, etc.
-how much bubble hash will I end up with if I use about 3-4 ounces of trim?
-should I just use a 5 gallon bucket with 3 bubble bags?
I pretty much have everything down, I just want to get some advice from some more experienced people.


Well-Known Member
I went out and spent $50 on a set of 8 hash bags. Today I make my hash by using just one
of the 8 bags.

Don't make hash out of any product that is smokable. Reason I say this is that the bubble hash
process wastes most of the trichomes that produce the buzz. No sense in using $800 worth of product
to make $100 worth of hash. So I only hash with those leaves that have trichomes but are too big to

Instead of straining through a series of filter bags I mix my trim with ice and ice water and beat for 15-20
minutes. Then I strain the juice through a 200 micron-size bag. The juice is spread out evenly on a 16 x 16 inch
flat plate and left out to evaporate. Then I scrape it up the nect day with a single-edge razor blade. The hash
comes out in long golden strips that I chop up until very fine. Then I sprinkle on a bowl. My my!



I went out and spent $50 on a set of 8 hash bags. Today I make my hash by using just one
of the 8 bags.

Don't make hash out of any product that is smokable. Reason I say this is that the bubble hash
process wastes most of the trichomes that produce the buzz. No sense in using $800 worth of product
to make $100 worth of hash. So I only hash with those leaves that have trichomes but are too big to

Instead of straining through a series of filter bags I mix my trim with ice and ice water and beat for 15-20
minutes. Then I strain the juice through a 200 micron-size bag. The juice is spread out evenly on a 16 x 16 inch
flat plate and left out to evaporate. Then I scrape it up the nect day with a single-edge razor blade. The hash
comes out in long golden strips that I chop up until very fine. Then I sprinkle on a bowl. My my!

What do use to beat the trim and ice water mixture? Just a normal wooden spoon?


Well-Known Member
"What do use to beat the trim and ice water mixture? Just a normal wooden spoon?"

I put the hash leaves from harvest in a paper bag, roll it into a log-shape and put in the freezer
until I have enough to make a batch of hash. When I think I got enough trim I unroll the frozen
log and use big scissors to cut the trim into small pieces. [Forgot to mention -- a couple hours
before I start the process I put a gallon of water in the 'fridge to get cold. That is the water I use
to mix with the trim.] I use my hand-held mixer to pulverize the trim/water for 15-20 minutes.

The better trim you use, the more gold in color your juice will be. Using marginal leaves will result
in juice that is more green in color. I take my beaten juice and strain it through the 200 micron bag
from the hash bag set. This removes all the visible material in the juice. I use a turkey baster to drop 2-3 ounces
of strained juice onto large flat glass plates. Then I use a razor blade and scrape up the evaporated material.
I chop it up real fine and put it into an antique crystal and sterling silver salt shaker. I sprinkle a bit of dust
on a new bowl.

NOTE -- This evaporated hash smokes harsh but will knock your dick in the dirt. I recommend putting a bit on a
bowl rather than attempt a bowl of just hash dust. It expands a lot and is a guarranteed cough-up-a-lung chokefest.

Good luck, BigSteve.