wow.. Vodka?? I've been making butter for 11 years, now. My rues have always been simple..
1. 1 oz. schwag OR 1/4 oz. kind OR 2 oz. leaf / stem per lb. butter.
2. roil for 40 minutes - DO NOT BOIL OR YOU BURN OFF THC. More than 40 minutes is masturbatory.
3. Use a metal hand strainer to scoop plant matter out after your 40 while still roiling.. spoon to squeeze it dry over the pot.
4. Strain w/ cheesecloth into a plastic container. PLASTIC. Cover and into fridge overnight.
5. in the morning, flex the plastic a bit to drain the water and evil looking settled crap out the side
6. cut your remaining hard butter into quarters - each is nearly a stick of butter.
Trust me.. make a batch of cookies one of these sticks instead of normal butter, you will be retarded. For me, 2 cookies using this recipe was too much. My wife and I were literally drooling on the floor.