making cannabutter help


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, im going to be making some butter with my harvest in the next couple of days. I know Organic butter is the best to use. just wondering if their is a certain brand any of you have used in the past that is very very high in fat that work well. thanks for any help in advance thank you.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yes please please please look into using GHEE its a for of clarified butter carries thc and extracts a hell of a lot better than just regular butter


Well-Known Member
I concur... Turn your butter into ghee first. Then soak your trim, bud.. whatever in the crockpot (not on) with 100proof clear liquor for a few hours. Then turn on the heat add ghee and water and let it go overnight. A good ratio is 3-4oz of trim per 1lb ghee. Using bud increases the potency even more... you can also use less bud per lb of butter if using only bud. GET A POTATO RICER... trust me. LOL you want to strain the butter, water, plant mix to take out all the plant material. The potato ricer will help you get all the butter and water out of the plant material. When you have all the liquid in a big bowl just let it separate in the fridge (butter floats on water). For very refined ghee you can continue washing the butter in hot water and separating as many time as necessary to clean the butter.


Sector 5 Moderator
I think using the cheapest vodka would be sufficient, rather than using corn liquor or something. think it has plenty of ethanol to do the job.


Well-Known Member
wow.. Vodka?? I've been making butter for 11 years, now. My rues have always been simple..

1. 1 oz. schwag OR 1/4 oz. kind OR 2 oz. leaf / stem per lb. butter.
2. roil for 40 minutes - DO NOT BOIL OR YOU BURN OFF THC. More than 40 minutes is masturbatory.
3. Use a metal hand strainer to scoop plant matter out after your 40 while still roiling.. spoon to squeeze it dry over the pot.
4. Strain w/ cheesecloth into a plastic container. PLASTIC. Cover and into fridge overnight.
5. in the morning, flex the plastic a bit to drain the water and evil looking settled crap out the side
6. cut your remaining hard butter into quarters - each is nearly a stick of butter.

Trust me.. make a batch of cookies one of these sticks instead of normal butter, you will be retarded. For me, 2 cookies using this recipe was too much. My wife and I were literally drooling on the floor.



Sector 5 Moderator
I stand corrected ER. I had read to use the cheapest vodka for getting the goodie out of herbs that have to be leeched out with ethanol so I just assumed it would be a good idea for doing cannabis too. I defer to your experience and thanks for the humor!
Hey everyone, im going to be making some butter with my harvest in the next couple of days. I know Organic butter is the best to use. just wondering if their is a certain brand any of you have used in the past that is very very high in fat that work well. thanks for any help in advance thank you.:bigjoint:
its all good :D + my rep plz?


Well-Known Member
Pimp.. You could be right. I've used 151 for absinthe making and have used cannabis as dry hops for beer. Alcohol can pull.. My only claim above is that what I laid out has been working for a long time.. and well. So if someone's looking for an easy way, that's it.