Making cannabutter with plant matter leftover from ice water extraction


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else done this?

I have a 5 gallon bubble now machine, did two runs with ~5 ounces of trim and popcorn buds, than threw the remainder in my crockpot with a pound of butter, let it simmer for about a day, than strained, did some di water washes on the butter, and now have a little under a pound of some green dank looking butter.

I havent tried it yet, but I think I did absorb some through my skin and got somewhat buzzed...

Also, is there a good way to judge potency other than sampling? I personally don't like edibles, but many of my friends do...


Well-Known Member
erm right ... through your skin .. your sure it its LSD your cooking ?

only way to find out .. bake a cake of sumthing ..


Staff member
no way it absorbed through your skin, but why did you make budder if you dont like edibles?


Well-Known Member
no way it absorbed through your skin, but why did you make budder if you dont like edibles?
I make it for friends...

Its not that I dont like edibles either, I just get way too high for way too long from them..unfortunately I don't have the free time to be like that these days.

Its potent. I put about a tablespoon on a piece of toast last night and was pretty ripped....

Also, I don't know about others, but even after 1-2 runs using fresh trim through a bubble now machine, there still looks to be alot of trics left on the plant matter...