Making Micro Grow Box, and Have Questions


Well-Known Member
Im almost done making a cabinet with a false back, the room i have to grow in is 32" tall, 14" deep, and 11" wide. Will take any suggestions into consideration to make this the best turnout as possible for one plant. Any ideas on lighting? Give me some tips/advice, thanks


Well-Known Member
go to and purchase a high wattage CFL and a prewired mogul socket, that way you save elec. from HID and still get enough light in the right spectrum, 6400K for veg, 2700K for flower


Well-Known Member
can i just use the same lights for flowering that i use for veg, but obviously just change up the timing schedule. like 2 23watt soft white flouros, or 2 26watt daylights?


Well-Known Member
can i just use the same lights for flowering that i use for veg, but obviously just change up the timing schedule. like 2 23watt soft white flouros, or 2 26watt daylights?
you need 2700k for veg and 6400k for flowering, you can get 5000K cfls for the entire process, or get a hps for flower and mh for veg, but in your box, if you want only one bulb, get a 5000K 200W CFL or 2 of them or 2 of the 125W CFL's or 2 or 3 or the 105W 5000k


Well-Known Member
i dont go by soft white and shit like that, you need the actual color spectrum to know whats what, certain companies have diff shit for soft white and shit

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
I have a 400w MH in a box this size and I have to keep the door slightly cracked and have a small microwave fan constantly running just to keep the temperatures at an optimum range. Crack is right about the cfl's. Is the inside of your box white? If not, you may want to paint a non glossy white over the interior or buy some mylar. The humidity tends to stay low in small boxes too. You may want to leave a cup of water next to your plant container to raise the humidity a little if you live in a particularly dry area.


Active Member
you need 2700k for veg and 6400k for flowering, you can get 5000K cfls for the entire process, or get a hps for flower and mh for veg, but in your box, if you want only one bulb, get a 5000K 200W CFL or 2 of them or 2 of the 125W CFL's or 2 or 3 or the 105W 5000k
You have it mixed up its 2700k for flowering and 6500k for vegging. good luck


Well-Known Member
is that like necessary, or could i just go pick up 2 26 watt daylights from walmart cause theres one right near my house, and just use them the whole time? i know walmart has them and 23 watt soft whites, LMK, and thanks


Active Member
As long as you're getting the right color temps, you can use the cfls from walmart.... just get two or three.
If you need high powered cfls, search google for specialty light bulb stores in your area, or go to These are the cheapest places to go for high powered cfls.