Making my own promix


Well-Known Member
so rather than shell out 35 bucks a bale, this year im thinking of getting some bales of straight peat moss(which im pretty sure is what promix is mostly composed of) a 2 cu ft bale of perlite, and 2 cu ft bale of vermiclite(all available at my local home depot, another plus), and mix that in with the native soil at 1/4 for each(lighter on the verm though, more like 10%). Then i will check ph and add lime accordingly. As of now i can see nothing wrong with it, the mixing and adjusting ph will be a little work, but i will save a good amount of money and feel will still get a good crop. Just looking for thoughts from other soil/ground growers, and maybe put an idea out there for other growers looking to cut costs

I did same thing, i can tell you that primere peat moss is from same company that make Pro Mix, this bagged is more DIY, verm and perlite is awesome assist too...and i just added is garden lime (ph) and diatomaceous earth (against pests).

happy gardening

EDIT: I use chemical fertilizer, not organic :D
I've been doing this for over a year now w/only perlite(no vermiculite). and as mentioned the same company sells peat via most Home Depot stores.

HD also sells the perfect organic granule nutes to mix right in, which I found are mandatory unless you use liquids.
yea i was wondering if the vermiculite would be necessary, dont want to get it if i dont need to. And yes on the espoma, im going with that, and im looking at osmocote items as well( non organic though). The plants I plan to consume myself I will use the espoma.