making shatter and need some advice

I love winterizing due to it being much easier on the lungs and because the final product is also more potent. However this process doesnt just remove wax and lipids, it also removes some if not almost all of your terpene profile but you will have a much better tasting BHO mixture compared to someone who does not winterize and purges at higher temps
thanks for the replies nobody important. I'm freezing my trim and my butane cans right now I just ordered my vacuum chamber so I should have something to show for you guys in about two weeks.
thanks for the replies nobody important. I'm freezing my trim and my butane cans right now I just ordered my vacuum chamber so I should have something to show for you guys in about two weeks.
I have read that freezing butane cans can cause the rubber seal to leak and turn the freezer into a time bomb. I keep mine refrigerated or outside in colder temps only as a precaution from the stories I have read. This makes sense to me because I'm a refrigeration engineer and I have seen how rubber reacts in freezing temps. When I first started blasting I researched the accidents and explosions for weeks before I even bought a can of butane. I became an expert of what not to do then I learned the process. I'm not saying that you'll have problems with them exploding in the freezer just be aware that it has happened.
PLEASE NO BUTANE IN FREEZER./// The only thing I dont like about making butane cold is that it makes it more into a liquid state as it comes out which means that the pressure is much lower. IMO liquid state butane is good for making BHO using the soak system in a glass jar. If you keep it room temperature it will be more gaseous but also carry higher pressures. In passive butane extractions(blasting tubes) higher pressures help detach the precious oil you are looking for much easier and tends to give me higher yields in a blasting tube. I have had people debate me on this, I can only share what Ive personally experienced. You are absolutely right about blowing fridges apart. If the butane escapes and build up, the moment evaporator fan kicks on it will create a small spark at the electrical connections and kaboom
they've been in the freezer for a short time and I'm not going to be using them until my vacuum chamber is here so everything should be good.
can one still vac a useable product after having blasted into pyrex and then freezing the pyrex dish with the oil in it? like froze it for a month and now thinking about vacing it? heat it up? blow more tane onto it to soften it up? any idea?
can one still vac a useable product after having blasted into pyrex and then freezing the pyrex dish with the oil in it? like froze it for a month and now thinking about vacing it? heat it up? blow more tane onto it to soften it up? any idea?
get you a can of butane and put it in a cooler full of ice of some sort. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD NOT IN THE FREEZER. let it sit for a few hours ((keep adding ice if needed). then get your empty blaster out do not put any type of filtering device and blast butane out thru the blaster onto your dish (it will come out in a liquid form by putting it in cooler). this will redissolve your product. Right when you see almost all liquid butane evaporate while product is still reacting (bubbling) quickly transfer it unto your vacuum setup and purge. Ive never had to do this. This is simply what I came up with if I was in your position
get you a can of butane and put it in a cooler full of ice of some sort. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD NOT IN THE FREEZER. let it sit for a few hours ((keep adding ice if needed). then get your empty blaster out do not put any type of filtering device and blast butane out thru the blaster onto your dish (it will come out in a liquid form by putting it in cooler). this will redissolve your product. Right when you see almost all liquid butane evaporate while product is still reacting (bubbling) quickly transfer it unto your vacuum setup and purge. Ive never had to do this. This is simply what I came up with if I was in your position
thanks, i was thinking the same thing but without the finer details that you added to it. i like ice-cream.
We use enough heat to lower the surface tension to the point that the bubbles readily escape.

Our analysis using a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer on our oven exhaust, shows that the solvents and terpenes come off at different rates, because the solvent is above its boiling point, and the terpenes are below theirs. They are not boiling but sublimating off.

We get our best aromatics, but removing the solvent at the minimum temperature where it can readily escape, under -29.5" Hg vacuum. Usually between 110 and 115F for most strains.

I'm glad you said it.... I would hope everyone reading follows your advice that is expressed by others in triplicate in this thread.
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I blasted my first run last night and I got a pretty good yield. Out of an oz it looks like I can get maybe 3 grams out of it. I'll post a picture when I get out of class.