Making some MDMA. Questions?


Active Member
Hey guys, my question is this. So I'm using as my guideline. Now if I wanted to make bigger batches, say double or triple what some of the expected yields are, would I simply adjust the ratios of the chemicals? What about the times boiling, stirring, etc? I, myself, am not attempting this. I know a chemist that is interested in the subject and I'm trying to get a feel to see if this is a worthwhile attempt. Thanks!

Junior Grow

Hey guys, my question is this. So I'm using as my guideline. Now if I wanted to make bigger batches, say double or triple what some of the expected yields are, would I simply adjust the ratios of the chemicals? What about the times boiling, stirring, etc? I, myself, am not attempting this. I know a chemist that is interested in the subject and I'm trying to get a feel to see if this is a worthwhile attempt. Thanks!
Personally, I would cook separate batches at the same time so you don't have to worry about ingredient measurements.


Active Member
i agree, but it seems like it'd be a very tedious task doing 2 or 3 days worth of work just for 42 grams?


Well-Known Member
which can go at £40-50 a gram. u do the math...... £1600 at worst imo. not bad for 2-3 days work


Well-Known Member
I don't feel like typing everything out again. UTFSE with my name and MDMA and synthesis as terms. That should give you a start. Also look at the MDMA section of Rhodium's archive on erowid. Show them to your chemist friend who should be able to search for this information all on their own. Have them review it. Feel free to come back and ask me specific questions.
Please be a good person and use a borohydride reduction rather than an aluminum reduction as traces of the mercury remain in the product and that shit is highly toxic.


Well-Known Member
Traces? as in how much? More than what I eat in the tunafish sandwich I had for lunch? I am not disagreeing with you, I wouldn't dare, but we are talking about consuming 75 mg of a relatively pure substance every once in a while - would that be enough to raise our lifetime consumption of mercury dangerously?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how much you're likely to ingest in a Tuna sandwich, but I really doubt it would be more than that. It's more the idea of choosing to use a safer reagent whenever possible being a more ethical practice.


New Member
You can usually size up a bucket reduction to pretty big.
If you go with the NaBH4 reduction, you might have trouble getting the chems.
Aluminium-mercury amalgam reductions are pretty easy with previous chem experience and easy to get all the chems.

MDP2P synth from safrole is pretty high yielding and you could just double(or triple) down to get your desired amount.


New Member
Al/Hg reduction is pretty safe too.
When you dissolve the MDMA after the rxn the solvent might dissolve a little bit of the Hg compound,
but once you salt out the MDMA the Hg compound will remain in the solvent.