Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

Hello all.... The humic acid is great to add to tea. If you are adding worm castings in your tea - you are already adding a very mild humic acid (about .4 % - .6%). The refinded / bottled stuff is great to use - most run from about 4 to 8 percent - just mix as per the bottle label and no worries. Humic acid helps retain moisture, NPK and trace minerals in soil, making them more available to Mary.
Hydrozyme is a formula made up mostly of enzymes. These enzymes help breakdown insoluble (not readily available) NPK which is present in dead root material and other chuncky pieces of matter. Hint: If you have beneficial bacteria present in your soil, they are producting enzymes constantly. Plus they, themselves, are engaged in breaking down insoluble NPK and plus providing root protection / enhancement.
SPT, Sub-Culture, Oreganism, Plant Success and similar products are full of beneficial bacteria and fungi. If you have one of these, you don't really need to purchase a seperate enzyme formula. If you hydro and use a drain to waste system, Hydrozyme is good, in that, it offers a slight advantage over beneficial bacteria (faster acting).
Hope this helps......
Keep it Real...Organic.....
so is it worth adding to my tea? is it gonna be good to spray on the plants?
OdBsMyDog.... Humic acid (or even Fulvic Acid - which is a premium grade Humic Acid) are good to add to teas that will be foliar sprayed.
Personally, I mix it at 1/4 to 1/2 the recommended strength when foliar feeding. I always do foliar feeding just prior to sunrise or lights on - never foliar feed in the heat of the day - it will stress your plants. You can also foliar feed in the evening as the sun goes down or just after lights off.
Hope this helps....
VERY helpful thread <Ohsogreen> ... I started some cow-poo tea a few days ago. I found an aquarium air bubbler yesterday and plonked it in the bucket. I didn't have any molasses to put it unfortunately. I've got a fair bit of yellowing leaves and folks in other thread reccomended I add some nutes b/c flowering has maybe 4 weeks left.

How much cowpoo tea should I use on each plant 1L (33 fl oz? ... I don't know imperial measurement system) on each?

The poo I got was really old and dry. I live next to a dairy farm so supply is no prob. Is poo better fresh or old?
VERY helpful thread <Ohsogreen> ... I started some cow-poo tea a few days ago. I found an aquarium air bubbler yesterday and plonked it in the bucket. I didn't have any molasses to put it unfortunately. I've got a fair bit of yellowing leaves and folks in other thread reccomended I add some nutes b/c flowering has maybe 4 weeks left.

How much cowpoo tea should I use on each plant 1L (33 fl oz? ... I don't know imperial measurement system) on each?

The poo I got was really old and dry. I live next to a dairy farm so supply is no prob. Is poo better fresh or old?
JumpManLives..... After you bubble up your tea, give each plant 1 liter (quart plus one oz) per 3.85 liters (gallon) of soil in your pots. So, if you have 7 liter pots (around 2 gallon pots), give them 2 liters of tea. If growing in ground, give them 3.85 liters (1 gallon) per plant.
Aged manures tend to be best for making teas - it prevents the possibility of nitrogen burn - which can happen with fresh manures like chicken.
Don't put leaves directly in your tea, instead compost them. It will be more beneficial later in a good compost tea.
Hope this helps....
Im back. Has anyone had an issue with worm casting burning plants. I think I made mine too hot, casting was in the worm bin for almost a year. I used a small amount on one plant as a top dressing and it fried my baby. I thought before that I was having other problems to only find out by chance that it was this one ingredient causing me so much trouble. Im glad I figured it out. Let me know if you have heard of this before and what do. I dont want to throw my casting away, I spend a lot of time making it.
Im back. Has anyone had an issue with worm casting burning plants. I think I made mine too hot, casting was in the worm bin for almost a year. I used a small amount on one plant as a top dressing and it fried my baby. I thought before that I was having other problems to only find out by chance that it was this one ingredient causing me so much trouble. Im glad I figured it out. Let me know if you have heard of this before and what do. I dont want to throw my casting away, I spend a lot of time making it.

idk that about the wormcastigns. I have read a lot about the worms and have started my own bin but I have yet to hear of worm burn. In fact I am have only read over and over how it impossible to burn with castings. I am sure you have read these reports too.

However something about length in the bin has done something to the N levels. If it has I would think that the N levels already in your soil must be really high.

Is the castign fully composted organic material? Becasue if it wasnt then that would easily be the culprit.

what else do you add. I have been feeding heavy guano, fish, castings, and bio bizz. Along with spt, kelp, and molasses. I have had no burning. It seems it is impossible to burn in organic. Like the plants will eat it if they need it.

IDK that man, considering your past probs it has to be something else the boards have missed.

keep reporting. :weed:
get kelp and castings at the hydro store/garden center and unsulphured mollasses at any grocery food stores sell it in bulk for cheap.
I seem to recall that their is a way to brew teas that are optimal for bacteria growth as opposed to fungi and something else.

I have read tha mj is an annual. I have also read that annuals love bacteria as opposed to fungi. I want to optimise bacteria production.

I have the full assortment of castings and other additives. I just got some steer manure for teas too. Also mx guano, bio bizz, pbp, molasses, spt, liquid karma, hydroguard, kelp, fish, and probably a few more.

Anyway, does castigns have a brew time perhaps that I should shoot for to optimise or perhaps a temp? I read something some where I just cant find it.

does cow poo have bacteria. Simp question and I am going to happily read the net for more as well as the rodale book i have coming. I swear this is my favorite hobby. I am just looking for experience. Also I am loaded on opiates as usual so this be the groove if you know what I mean.

Go medical Organic!
dude just think about it "does cow poop have bacteria?" hell yeah it does, i wouldnt want to be touching it. worm castings have tons and kelp and mollasses is food for bennificial bacteria. if you bubble those three for up to 36 hours you will have billions of bacteria. mychorrizzae has all the good fungus for marijuana, add it after the brew cycle though because it breaks down easily. id suggest roots organics organizms mychorrizae but if not plant success works great...
I just got some "Black Kow" manure from walmart. I put about 5 cups in a tote and about 3 gallons of water. I have it bubbling and plan on using it in 3-4 days. Is this tea okay to use during bloom? Because I have a very small cabinet and I can only veg for 2 weeks give or take so most of my grow (will be perpetual when i get it set up) will be in the bloom cycle. I'm gonna order some budswel or superswell bat guano to make tea also.

Also I add one ounce of mollasses yes?

Thanks peace
your manure tea will be great but remember it has not enough npk in it as a stand alone fert.

does your soil have guano or bone meal in it?

are you using other fert?

i love making tea too. i use a home dept bucket with 2 fish pumps and duct tape covering the outside of the bucket. I made the mistake of adding fish and wow the smell is hard to overcome, at least worse than I thought, sorta gets everywhere. Lol, I live in an apt and this is my first soil grow so I have some bugs to work out. Dont let that fish sit in the tent or on the bubblers.

Is is not that bad. Fish is so halthy.

I sue bio bizz as a base. Then I redisovered BMO nutes. They got evrything in them already like a tea with extra bacteria already added. The only thing to do is bubble it to increase bacteria. Seriosly it is like a perfect tea in a bottle.

No other nute has anything like it. Plus they use guanos a s a major source for their NPK, verytone else uses inferior products I thought.

Anyway this is my new tea. I will probably bubble it and add some amendments anyways. But cool. . .

remember mj plants, so I have read, love bacteria more than myco. I will keep reading on this and reporting back lol.
I'm temporarily using the cheap organic potting mix from wal-mart. I will be using bloom guano tea when i get it in too.
I love to add guanos and BMO SPT in my teas as well. My plants love the shit! We also compost some with all fruits & veggies (we are vegan) and add that to my teas. Adding SPT directly to the compost seems to make it go crazy... in a good way. The compost looks so dark, rich, and fertile! Can't beat that. Mix it all up with some harvested rain water, and we start to get old school!

That manure will be great to use in your teas, but like dirt clean said, make sure you add other stuff to it. It would be good to use as a nice top dressing, or mix into a folair spray (but not during flowering).
your manure tea will be great but remember it has not enough npk in it as a stand alone fert.

does your soil have guano or bone meal in it?

are you using other fert?

i love making tea too. i use a home dept bucket with 2 fish pumps and duct tape covering the outside of the bucket. I made the mistake of adding fish and wow the smell is hard to overcome, at least worse than I thought, sorta gets everywhere. Lol, I live in an apt and this is my first soil grow so I have some bugs to work out. Dont let that fish sit in the tent or on the bubblers.

Is is not that bad. Fish is so halthy.

I sue bio bizz as a base. Then I redisovered BMO nutes. They got evrything in them already like a tea with extra bacteria already added. The only thing to do is bubble it to increase bacteria. Seriosly it is like a perfect tea in a bottle.

No other nute has anything like it. Plus they use guanos a s a major source for their NPK, verytone else uses inferior products I thought.

Anyway this is my new tea. I will probably bubble it and add some amendments anyways. But cool. . .

remember mj plants, so I have read, love bacteria more than myco. I will keep reading on this and reporting back lol.

um anything with bacteria already added is gonna degrade really fast. bacteria only lasts in a bottle a few days when refridgerated. you can leave it bubbling though for like a week and it lasts better but still degrades..

anyways back to what you were asking about my tea.

I add a little mixture of shit i put together from open containers at the hydro store i worked at. its roots hpk which is a bloom liquid guano and buddha bloom from roots that is some good stuff like castings and humic acid and other guanos. that's what i use when im blooming when im veging i just use the base tea of castings kelp and mollasses. and i throw in some mycrorrizae the last 5 min or so of brewing cause i love that shit..

but i always use pura vida veg or bloom every other waterings cause that shit is just the bee's knee's. its a vegan organic nute that is as readilyavailable as a chemy fert.

I also have some samples of 3d organics rx grow and bloom and ohm dry that i've been adding like every other week or so or when i remember i have it...

i know that doesnt help with your q's much and i wouldnt be using any of these hings if i didnt get them for free except the pura vida grow and bloom and the bubble tea i make of age old worm castings and kelp and the mollasses i get for cheap in bulk at the health food store..

good luck and happy tea making!


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I also use fish emousion and like the first 6-10 hrs it smellls very fish but then it starts to bet the wonderfull compost/molas tea oh i love the smell i feel like im just smellling it every five min as it is brewing