Making your own fem seeds


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone

It's very short question. I was polinate my feminized pollen with and other fem plant now it is seeded.
Can I smoke this seedy buds? ı used colloidal silver
Hi everyone

It's very short question. I was polinate my feminized pollen with and other fem plant now it is seeded.
Can I smoke this seedy buds? ı used colloidal silver
Pretty sure colloidal silver is toxic and those buds that were sprayed with it should NOT be ingested. If you carefully sprayed just say one branch, then that's all that would have to go, but the plant younised the silver on is either selectively usable or trash. ☮✌
Pretty sure colloidal silver is toxic and those buds that were sprayed with it should NOT be ingested. If you carefully sprayed just say one branch, then that's all that would have to go, but the plant younised the silver on is either selectively usable or trash. ☮✌
But ı didint use same plant. first ı collect polen than ı was polinate andother plant
You can smoke the female you pollinated. You don't smoke the plant you reversed with colloidal silver. There isn't anything to smoke anyway since it's just leaf and pollen sacs. The seeded plant is fine to smoke. Make sure to get all the seeds. Nothing worse than having a seed pop while you're smoking a bowl.
Years ago I packed the last half gram I had into my bowl after a long day of work. Second hit got the seed i missed hot enough to explode like a mini grenade. It must have been at the bottom of the bowl, blew every bit of green outa there. Total bummer.
Years ago I packed the last half gram I had into my bowl after a long day of work. Second hit got the seed i missed hot enough to explode like a mini grenade. It must have been at the bottom of the bowl, blew every bit of green outa there. Total bummer.
Experienced that once while on a road trip. Good thing I was the passenger and not the driver at the time!
It's very short question. I was polinate my feminized pollen with and other fem plant now it is seeded.
Can I smoke this seedy buds? ı used colloidal silver

Never use any branches you've applied anything to.

Look at it this way...

Have you sprayed the branch with anything:

- No: You can use it
- Yes: You can not use it

Once a plant has been seeded, so long as it hasn't been sprayed with anything, you can use the bud just fine to smoke. I do it all the time. I have three jars of bud curing after a seed run right now. A few jars curing a seed run is common for me every few months or so.

Again, so long as you haven't sprayed the seeded plant, you're good.
Never use any branches you've applied anything to.

Look at it this way...

Have you sprayed the branch with anything:

- No: You can use it
- Yes: You can not use it

Once a plant has been seeded, so long as it hasn't been sprayed with anything, you can use the bud just fine to smoke. I do it all the time. I have three jars of bud curing after a seed run right now. A few jars curing a seed run is common for me every few months or so.

Again, so long as you haven't sprayed the seeded plant, you're good.

you are already give me ansver this question. thank you you are the best . this is my first post. no body ansver this and ı was post again.