Making your own HPS


Well-Known Member
So has anyone bought one of these kits to make an HPS? They're cheaper than buying one that's assembled....and I figure I could save some money when it comes to flowering to put one together? I found a kit for $52 and a bulb for $16....I'd have to buy a power cord to plug it in....but this seems like the cheap way to go for HPS

Anyone ever bought the kit and put one together? Is it easy? It seems fairly simple you just have to connect a few things.

Would a 250w hps be enough to flower in my grow? I'm only growing one or two plants

Here's links

High Tech Garden Supply

Light HID High Pressure Sodium Light Bulb, 250 Watt, Mogul Base: Health & Personal Care


Active Member
a general rule a heard was about 50 watts per sq. ft. i have two really nice girls that are doing fine under a 250W HPS......


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming you bought yours put together?

I'm really thinking about doing seems like a really cheap way to get an HPS better than buying 10 CFLs LOL


Well-Known Member
they are very easy to setup dont wory anyone can do it what are u growing in a closet?
what size is it ?/?/? i would probly go for a 400 watt


Well-Known Member
Yes in a closed look at my grow in my sig

My area is about 5 ft tall, 2 ft wide and 1 ft deep, not very much room that's why I thought a 250w would be ok

Feedback is appreciated

Have you put one of these together?


New Member
that kit doesnt seem to come with a reflector... and ive seen more experienced people then me strongly suggest that you get your light/ballast together to make sure that it is 100% compatable. due to the danger involved in fucking it up in any way shape or form but thats just my 2 cent's


Well-Known Member
That's kinda what I figured

And yeah I noticed it didn't dome with a reflector. I suppose it's probably worth the extra money to know you're getting a product that's going to work


Active Member
hey its worth saving alot of money to do it if you dont have the money anyway. For example, 40$ ballast core kit + ~15$ for cord and a piece of metal means its too damn easy to just rig it cheaply. When the cheapest boxed ballast (still with no socket/reflector) runs about 100$ for 400 watt and more it amounts to about 50% savings. I might post some pics of my setup in a second.


New Member
you can use anything shinny that doesnt melt as a reflector. a polished peice of sheet metal ? or just some ghetto rigged cardbord thing with mylar on it ( i wouldent get that to close to a big watt hps


Active Member
you can use anything shinny that doesnt melt as a reflector. a polished peice of sheet metal ? or just some ghetto rigged cardbord thing with mylar on it ( i wouldent get that to close to a big watt hps

dude creepy youre bugging me out, you spying on me? thats exactly what i did.... cheers for ghetto rigged cardboard mylar things everywhere baby...... rofl