Male Bud and Female Bud???


Active Member
Whats the difference?
Is it bad to have a male plant?
I have 3 small plants to small to tell yet. If one or two are male should I throw them out?
Is male bud bad or less effective?bongsmilie

Thanks :joint:


Well-Known Member
Simply put...

Male plants do not produce smokeable buds.
Male plants must die.
You want females only.
Kill all male plants ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Do some reading for christs sake.
Lol agreed, I found this site by using google and finally realizing 90% of my results and answers to the questions asked were from threads on RIU. I finally registered and can sit for hours easily reading and reading. There is a wealth of knowledge and I am sure if you just enter your question in google instead of openning a thread you will find yourself back here anyway. Basically the male plant is useless unless you want seeds in your buds or flowers. The Female has the large buds you want to smoke and if you destroy the male plants before they release thier pollen then you will keep the female plants seed free or 'unpollinated. I am sure unpollinated is not the correct term but you should get the point.


Well-Known Member
Whats the difference?
Is it bad to have a male plant?
I have 3 small plants to small to tell yet. If one or two are male should I throw them out?
Is male bud bad or less effective?bongsmilie

Thanks :joint:
Only the female grows buds. The male grows pollen sacs.:peace:


Active Member
Dude, there is a search option you can use to read up on anything and everything you want to learn. Have fun and happy growing!


If you intend on breeding, it might not be a bad idea to keep the males.

Put the male in a separate room, if possible, or in the very least cover the female buds with a plastic bag so the male pollen won't pollinate the female buds.


Well-Known Member
about how long into growing can you tell if its male or female?
It really depends on your strain. Anywhere from 3-8 weeks, on the shorter end of that if they are in flower. Basically once the plant starts growing alternating nodes, it's mature, and will soon show preflowers.