Male check better pics


Im 99% sure this is a male the second might be still to early or hopefully female. The first 2 i think is a male same plant the second im not sure 20170201_135558.jpg 20170201_135606.jpg

20170201_135558.jpg 20170201_135606.jpg 20170201_135633.jpg 20170201_135629.jpg 20170201_135620.jpg


The first one was deff a male i pulled the sack and it had the flower in it so i pulled him and put it into my clipping jar for when i make trim shatter or something but it was deff a male but the resy of the i think its to early. I am micro growing these guys so i am trying to catch um early i dont want to open my grow box and get a face full of pollen and completely fertilized females so i know im jumping the gun a little and i know ill know when i see a male cuz i pulled one today and i know ill know its a female when i see a female and its just a few days to a week before they show except for the first one which was the one that sprouted first and grew up the quickest then slowed and the others started out slow and now are growing quickly but i think i have one more male and the rest female so out of 6 i think 2 are male not bad but im ganna give it 2 more days and look at the 2nd suspect male and pull it if i have to and then ill let it go 2days more days and confirm the others are female and then by the end of the month i should be curing and drying


I cant get a good pic now males the grow sacks that point out fromthe stalk and females grow points between the stalk and leaf correct i really think i have 2 males the the rest females i of them already because i just knew just.the sacks just.looked.too male is.and white feel better.after i saw that.cuz i had already pulled it but im going to let it go till tomorrow night check again and if its more.prominent ill pull him and check the others. again. Ill try for pics again tomorrow if i still cant tell i just hate to pull a female by mistake


Well-Known Member
When you first see sacs forming it will be about 2 weeks before any get ripe enough to pop and you'll know for certain way before they are that ripe. Better to wait and be 100% sure than rip out a girl.



I checked up on it just now its looking like a male the others are eithet female or not showing yet but im letting it go another day to see if little hairs start growing out of the sacks. I hope if not ill pull him tomorrow night or the day after.


Well-Known Member
Those certainly look like male flowers developing. Like I said tho they aren't ready to pop for a couple weeks yet so it doesn't hurt to wait some more. Should make some seeds. Can just put the male somewhere safe with a CFL light on 12/12 and tinfoil underneath to catch the pollen then dust some lower buds on some girls to get free beans without any harm to your yields. Even a branch cut off and stuck in a glass of water works to get pollen. I do that in the bedroom closet so there's no chance of the girls getting any.
