male, female, hermie?


Well-Known Member
OK, I've been sexing my plants now for approx. 3 weeks. I've pulled what I believed to be several males out. Now it's to the point were you can see some kind of change everyday in the plants. Now I was pretty confident that I was pulling males out, and am still quite sure that all that I pulled were males, however, now there are a few that I'm still not sure on. The ones I was thinking were females for sure are now confusing me. While there aren't groups of balls growing on any of em' , on some it just looks like one ball growing out of the node. And some, w/ what I'm 99% sure are buds forming look like they could have balls forming too. Maybe its just the leaves that are looking like balls to me. When they first form they look roundish? This shit is becoming extremely aggravating! Because now I'm down to very few plants (compared to what I started w/) and I can't tell if ANY are going to be strictly female or not. Someone please help me out on this.


Well-Known Member
A picture says a thousand words. Sometimes new growth can look like balls but once you know what to look for its unmistakable. If your not sure, just wait longer, it can take a couple of weeks before the pollen sacs will open.


Well-Known Member
Someone please help me out on this.
how ? either your seeds were FUBAR or you've got a light leak. There's a product called Reverse made by Dutch Master that is supposed to resolve hermieing but your too late to use now I believe.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses fellas. I'd say your right about it being to late to do anything about hermies. I think, hope not but do think, that they're all gonna either turn out to be herms or males. But that could just be downheartedness coming from pulling so many males out of my grow so far. And patience has never been one of my strong suites. From what I can tell all of the ones I have left are some type of indica. So based on that, about how much longer before there should be no doubt as to sex? (if they've been under 12/12 for around 3 weeks as of today) Anyway, any advice/recommendations are welcomed.
BTW: I don't have a digital cam. yet (hope to have one w/in a mo or to) Wish I did so then it wouldn't be so hard to sort this shit out. I know ya'll could let me know quick then, so if I had a can fill in the rest lol


Well-Known Member
) any advice/recommendations are welcomed.
get some decent seeds (you never did say what you grew with, bagseeds I'm guessing) Make sure you have no light leaks in your dark period including power on lights on power bars & heaters etc.


Well-Known Member
that's prob. what happened, a light leak, I've got a box and the lid doesn't fit completely flush on it, but I figured that where I had it at that light leaking in wouldn't be a prob. Live and learn I guess. And yea, all mine are just bag seeds. can't really afford to order any. was hoping to turn my bagseeds into something and..... I only kept the seeds from the best stuff all year...Anyway, any info on the time frame for me to be sure on sex based on what I said above?


Well-Known Member
k, update time for the ones who are interested. seems i was pretty stoned, and kinda trippin really, about y my plants were all males or not showing yadda yadda....turns out , after i checked some of my previous posts and figured out by doing the math lol) that when i first posted this thread my plants had only been on the flowering cycle for 12 days 4/13-4/25, so really what had happened was all my males were showing first and i've figured out that yes i was just mistaking new leaf growth as sex signs at first. now, all females are definitely showing as such. i've fixed my light leak w/some duct tape, although i'm sure this was not really a factor now in hindsight, and now "everything is looking, smelling, feeling like a million bucks" lol. I've put several of my known females out and am out of my funk over what males i did have. turned out almost to the tee 50/50 (prob more like 60/40) male to female. thanks to all who had input/advice to offer! +rep to all who did post cause i'm buzzing and in a feel good kinda mood. lol ltr
EDIT:tried giving a plus rep to all and only one it let me was timsatx1, i already had give evryone else a +rep lol thx again fellas