Male/Female question

good plan brothaa! lookn nice so far
What do you think about the aluminum on the wall? I've heard mixed things, soyummy me people love it and others say it magnifies light and damages the plants. I have some auto wembley, auto blueberry bliss, auto super skunk, cotton candy (not auto), blue mystic (not auto), auto devil cream, auto dark devil, CotC amphetamine auto, Robocrop auto, and sugar Black Rose auto. I don't even know which ones to start with lol, I wanted to try out a few different strains to see what I like and what gives me the best bang for my buck ya know? Oh and all of those are fem seeds
What do u think about the aluminum on the walls? I've heard mixed thinga
in your case, the walls are a flat white which is generally considered as the best, so by removing the tin foil you will actually have better reflection
id take the foil down but if you like it fuck it lol and dang bro u have alot of seeds. id startbwith the ones you care less about jus incase u mess up it wont be as sad. .
I was thinking that. I received a few as gifts for ordering seeds and I didn't pay much for the wembley. And lol Im not ecstatic about ordering something like that online so I figured I'd get as much as possible so I didn't have to worry about ordering as often. And I believe I will do a grow journal on my first few. I got three of almost every seed so I figured I'd try two seeds of two or three strains the first run. I'm gonna go the hempy bucket route as it seems very effective with autos and I like the idea of passive hydro.