Male flower emerging from a bud?


You should be ok, BTW your plant looks great! Do you have a pic of the whole sha-bang?

I'm running a SOG so hermis are an automatic loss to me kinda like males. I have no room for pollen in a SOG! Ha ha ha.

Here is a picture of a plant that went hermi at week 10 and was still wanting to flower!

Far away:

Up close:

The purple thing is the male banana, for some reason this is the first time I have had a plant go that long and have bananas that were not yellow.

Here is a typical FORCED hermi from my garden:

See the bright yellow male flowers?

Crazy huh!

I have a few
They're all heathly and happy. No nute overload, wind damage, or heat stress. Except for the one bud that showed a naner.




Well-Known Member
You should harvest well off of that plant, expect it to really bulk up because the last few weeks they fatten up. Is that a CFL only grow? Must be a ton of bulbs. Got a picture of the nanner?



Well-Known Member
I'm not aware of the source, but found this here on RIU and personally, agree with the statement.

" . . . occassionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance is not considered evidence of deleterious hermaphroditism."


I'm not aware of the source, but found this here on RIU and personally, agree with the statement.

" . . . occassionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance is not considered evidence of deleterious hermaphroditism."

Thank you sir, for the peace of mind.