Male of female? Help!


Active Member
Good day, everyone. I have a question regarding my Morning Glory plants. Bought feminized seeds but it looks like they're males.

Here's a photo - tell me what you think:


Active Member
I think I am. As long as I can smoke it - why shouldn't I? It's my first time of growing, so I don't want to waste anything.

And yes, it had some stress. I two clones from it. And I have another (same kind) plant - it had one clone cut off it. It's showing the same symptoms. It might be of pH inconsistency. It was mostly 6.3 and recently I got it once to 5.5 by an accident and all of the leaves started make yellow spots. So I flushed the plant with clean water and waited for it to dry out. Now the spots are almoust gone.


Well-Known Member
If you keep the hermy/male, pollen could seed the rest of your plants....
Slight ph fluctuation shouldn't hermy your plants. Sounds more like a)you got bad seeds or b) you got bad seeds.


Well-Known Member
If they were femenized, and both plants and cutting are showing hermy /male signs.... genetics are a concern.... Plants ge their genetics from seeds, so perhaps you got some bad seeds


Well-Known Member
Hermi... you see a pistil(little hair) and balls... I don't know about that turn a plant hermi at that stage..... I would fire off an email and bitch about balls.. never know..may get a deal or free beans later... or better yet, change supplier....


Active Member
I might do that.. But their site ( is down for a while now. And I ordered them in the beginning of the summer.


Well-Known Member
Morning glory marijuana seeds have nothing to do with LSA, which is found in Morning Glory (the plant) seeds. You are confusing a marijuana strain to a completely seperate plant al together... There is no LSA in any type of marijuana, regardless of the name... Cheers.
Tis is Morning Glory Marijuana Strain

This is the Morning Glory plant whos seeds contain LSA, a cousin to the man made LSD


Well-Known Member
Morning glory marijuana seeds have nothing to do with LSA, which is found in Morning Glory (the plant) seeds. You are confusing a marijuana strain to a completely seperate plant al together... There is no LSA in any type of marijuana, regardless of the name... Cheers.
Tis is Morning Glory Marijuana Strain
This is the Morning Glory plant whos seeds contain LSA, a cousin to the man made LSD
If you are looking for an LSA experience, don't bother with Morning Glory's or Hawaiian Baby Woodrose as they cause more nausea than anything else. Instead take some Ololiuqui (Rivea corymbosa) seeds (100-120), crushed and soaked in water for a one of a kind experience!


Well-Known Member
I actually do an extraction, using Naptha and Alcohol.... Either or is fine if you extract. Cheers....
I was just mentioning it because he thought his strain of marijuana was going to contain LSA...