Male or female? Advised new Pics, started to show signs, pls help, very confusing


Active Member
Hey these are new pics of one plant, many ppl thought it was male a week ago but i had shit pictures. These are new pics, i see kinda like balls, but than on the other side i see a white hair, so idk, im going to wait another week to turn my plants to 12/12. any comments appreciated!


Well-Known Member
You'll need more time to tell.
It's about 50%/50% honestly.
Very hard to tell.
Keep an eye on that node.


Active Member
I have one that looks kinda like that, but its only in day 5 of flowering, I am holding off making my decision on mine. I am gonna give it a few more days and see what happens.
i had a couple plants with the same lookin bulb and i waited n it turned out to be male.most of my females had a nice curved point towards the sky...but thats just my noob experience ...12 plants from seeds under my belt.with 2 of those males so who knows youll have to wait n see...good luck tho


Active Member
I'm thinking male,,, but maybe to soon yet or no hairs visible in the first pic.

In the second pic. it is not really clear but read the text in the pic. female?

This is what I am looking at.



Active Member
like I said with mine, the only been in flower for 5 days, would be awful quick to jump to conclusion. 12 plants, only 2 show anything visible so far.
Just want to wait a little bit longer and get a true reading.

If yours are much longer into flowering it very well could be male.


Active Member
White Shark #2 day 51 veg.JPGWhite Shark #2 054.JPGWhite Shark #2 053.JPGThis is 1 plant. White Shark #2 is her labeled name.

First picture. May 22 day 51 of veg. I circled the pre-flowers in photo.
Second and third picture June 26 TODAY day 29 of flower.

She was in veg for a total of 57 days along with her sister. They showed sex between 36-40 days of veg.

I grew from seed no cloning to determine sex. They had a brother but he was pulled when he flashed his balls to everyone.

Light schedule started 24/0 went to 18/6, then straight to 12/12.

You can veg as long as you want, the indicators will be more visible as time passes.
I sure would not of grown those girls out as long as I did with all the training if I did not know their sex before doing so.

The last 2 pictures are of White Shark #2 the day before she went to flowering (5/28) and three days before (5/26), just to show how long I waited to give her a 12/12 light schedule. I would not of wasted this much time if I did not know the sex.
White Shark #2 014.JPGWhite Shark #2 020.JPG
And some people say you cannot tell sex untill 12/12...
arent there auto flowerin strains?and most males dont need the 12-12 to flower....dont they usually preflower before females n this is during the 4th or 5th week of veg?idk i read alot of different methods on sexing n flowering n it pretty much confuses me stress during flowering can cause buds to run and be looser n leafier but then i read that some ppl induce stress for a higher trichome and bud yield?well i do like those pics of that white shark...


Active Member
The White Sharks are regular photo strains. Vegged for 57 days, showed sex (pre-flowers) between day 35-40, and are now on day 29 of bloom. A male will typically show sex first, but not always, yes.

And as far as stress and technique, I chose to do what I did because of light penetration (T-5's used) and available space, to help get a little better overall yield. As far as food, they are in subs supersoil, mostly water but get a light organic tea once in a while.


Well-Known Member
most of the pics posted are too early to tell,but based on pics two/three looks like it could be female preflower,although like these guys said id wait 2/3 days before deciding anything.but thats just my opinion...rooting for a female for ya.
some people say that males will grow taller and thinner inorder to tower over females to pollinate easier.
:?:is that true?coz if it is this one should be a female then huh?its only 3 goin on 4 weeks old 4 inches tall with 8 side branches(not counting shade leaves)

this is it at 7 goin on 8 weeks old and 7 and a half inches tall with 12 goin on 14 side branches(not counting shade leaves)
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:?:what do you think? male or female?