Male or Female? Early stage flower..


It's my first grow and my largest plant is showing some signs of sex. These pics are all the same plant, think you can pass along your knowledge and let me know what you think the sex is? Thanks in advance!20180627_194918.jpg 20180627_194918.jpg 20180627_194838.jpg 20180627_194816.jpg



Well-Known Member
Lmfao I didn't know if you could tell by the shape. Hopefully it's not a dong propper.
Ain't nobody got time fer dat. I've been growing for longer than I care to admit. I still try to guess the sex of plants. I'm right about 50% of the time. Best thing to do is just let it sex out. I know it sucks to put time and effort into a possible male....but it's just something that goes with using bag seed or regs. I've had plants I thought were male and ended up being beautiful females. Hence the big puffy vaginas. You'll have plenty of time to cull a male before it hurts anything. Just make sure 100% it's make.

GL .... I hope the plant isn't capable of T-Bagging your future plans.


Well-Known Member
You cant tell sex off this early stuff, confuses the crap out of new growers. To get an answer out of mother nature or any female is never going to be straight forward. If mother nature was a man we would know its sex, favourite colour, which football team they support and a whole load of other important information but oh fucking no.. she has to be passive aggressive about it till your patience snaps and you want to knife the bitch but you cant because you love her so much. Total headfuck but give it a week or two and she will finally crack from lack of attention.


You cant tell sex off this early stuff, confuses the crap out of new growers. To get an answer out of mother nature or any female is never going to be straight forward. If mother nature was a man we would know its sex, favourite colour, which football team they support and a whole load of other important information but oh fucking no.. she has to be passive aggressive about it till your patience snaps and you want to knife the bitch but you cant because you love her so much. Total headfuck but give it a week or two and she will finally crack from lack of attention.
Lol isnt that true!