male or female help..!!..I know ya heard it before..


Man I need help I got the basics of growing OK the nutrients good soil decent lights good I have 1 plant going in to flowering right now bout 5 days in..and as we know I can't comprehend what to look for gender wise..So don't know how or if I can upload pics so just email me im fucking has like little fluffy balls or buds or whatever coming up all around it..


Well-Known Member
Man I need help I got the basics of growing OK the nutrients good soil decent lights good I have 1 plant going in to flowering right now bout 5 days in..and as we know I can't comprehend what to look for gender wise..So don't know how or if I can upload pics so just email me im fucking has like little fluffy balls or buds or whatever coming up all around it..
that's a male then, sorry. female preflowers are pointy and solitary, males usually start in a cluster of 3 and are as you described round.


Well-Known Member
Need a pic man. Sorry. Just google "how to tell the difference between a male and female cannabis plant". Then click on images. Match it up. White hairs female. Balls male.


Hey I seen a pic of a female that had these little clusters too that had little white hairs come out of them.. but mine has No white hairs yet on day 6 of flowering..should I wait or pull it..??...let me see if I can get a pic up of it I mean it looks excellent and smells dank as shit


Well-Known Member
Wait a little before you pull it, 6 days is pretty fast to show sex. Be patient, your plants will look like one of those pictures soon enough. Sex is un-mistakeable if given enough time.


OK ill wait on pulling it then but I'm keeping it separate from my other 4 they are not old enough to flower yet..they are just bout 6-8 inches..I like to wait till they get at least 10 or 12"...I'm working on getting a pic up for better reference..and also I have a plant that looks and is growing exactly like the bigger one dank smell and all with 5 leave fingers and another growing not very dank with seven leave fingAers just different Strains or what.. I just got these seeds from some bomb ass bud I been smoking just tired of paying for it..LOL..


Active Member
The males tend to rear thier ugly heads immediately.. and yea.. its a cluster of balls at the base of the side branches and at the base of the new growth of the main cola.....

if u see this cluster, its a man.. because honestly, on the female, you notice the white hairs before you even notice the pistols that it comes out of... they are unmistakable..


Well-Known Member
The males tend to rear thier ugly heads immediately.. and yea.. its a cluster of balls at the base of the side branches and at the base of the new growth of the main cola.....

if u see this cluster, its a man.. because honestly, on the female, you notice the white hairs before you even notice the pistols that it comes out of... they are unmistakable..
The white hairs are the pistils....


New Member
I tend to agree w/ i NUPE. ballz on males/ females pistles.

i have a 14'' plant that is preflowering now, i know its female. u will see the preflowers extend themselves and prepare for budding, and u will see the white hairs being the 1sign of female.

look at my video of progress> just type that in a search and it'll be posted by me.
11-10pix 6.JPG11-10 pix 5.JPGfooter w fx.JPG11-3-pix6.JPG
11-3-2011 pix 1.JPG


I can't get these damn pics to upload..anyways. I'm just gonna wait to pull it guys thanks for the heads up..I'll see how in develops in the next few days I'm gonna try to post pics of them 3 others I have their looking awesome so far but you can tell 3 totally different strains but can't remember what they are...LOL..


Active Member
I have zero experience, but I can tell you this -- you WILL know what sex it is shortly, it's very very clear. It's intimidating to think about "sexing" a plant, but once you see A'll know from then on which is which.

patience, it will be very clear soon.