male or female or herm

soo you may remember me as your typical impatient and uneducated stoner.

Im back. haha.

based on pictures dated in my phone, (earliest seedling @ 9/9) Im almost 2 months into veg. All are preflowering, one more so than the others.
My plants still have their share of problems (now adding fucking spider mites to that list), so please dont misunderstand lol, I still expect to get nothin from nothin off of them, but sexing IS part of this grueling process, whether growing FA SHEEZY (lol) or for a learning experience such as myself, you still should/need to know what you're workin with.

One of the plants I've put under a 150w HPS and the other two are still doin their CFL thang. Initially I took the plant (now under the HPS) out of the 'grow room' because I was convinced I had a either a male or a herm- but either way I didnt want it near the other two as to me, I thought it clearly had balls.
I put it on a windowsill far away from the veg room just to see what would happen to it, and it actually started to get bigger being switched to shorter days and longer nights (cause it is damn near november in the states lol), and oddly started to look more female than male (prompting me to put it under the HPS)
Today is it's SECOND DAY IN flower and I knoooooooww its not going to be a clear straight forward definite for another little while, but what do you all think? Opinions?
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The other two plants are the ones that were planted in the same pot. The following are pictures of them together and alone -
the bigger plant on the right-

the teenie plant to the left obiously female -

so. i have a question about this plant. ^^
1. it is horribly small because
A- it wasnt able to grow properly due to being planted with another plant in its root space in conjunction with all the other mistakes made
B- the strain/genetics (which we dont know as its bagseed)
C- nutrient def.
D- all of the above

any input is appreciated:)



New Member
I agree with spliffbuddy, be patient and see what happens, plants look good for the most part, but the key is patience.
rule #1 never grow with bagseed,yea some peope have great outcomes,the majority have problems with bagseed
only reason i grew with bag seed is because it was/is my first time ever trying to grow...anything. we knew we would make mistakes;a lot of people even kill their plants their first time trying to grow, so why would I waste money on anything OTHER than bag seed?
I've said it before, and i'll say it again- from the get - go I haven't expected much, and certainly didnt expect them to make it this far, so this is merely practice so that we dont end up killing a quality seed.

In addition - you said it yourself, some people have great outcomes.
Does it make sense to just blow off the possibility??


Well-Known Member
only reason i grew with bag seed is because it was/is my first time ever trying to grow...anything. we knew we would make mistakes;a lot of people even kill their plants their first time trying to grow, so why would I waste money on anything OTHER than bag seed?
I've said it before, and i'll say it again- from the get - go I haven't expected much, and certainly didnt expect them to make it this far, so this is merely practice so that we dont end up killing a quality seed.

In addition - you said it yourself, some people have great outcomes.
Does it make sense to just blow off the possibility??
i ran with bagseed on my first 2 grows and had nothing but problems!,i had a pretty decent smoke after spending 2 hours a day picking of balls and banas but its a ballache,never again