male or female, pics tomorrow

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member day you look and wonder what it could be...the next day balls are hanging every where....when it's time you will know what you got...until then just sit back and enjoy the ride
I usually have a few to take care of but a racoon dug them all up I guess its maybe something that was in the soil fish meal I think. I got some ww clones from a friend and thats what the little fucker decided to dig up. I had them on my roof to boot but my fire ecsape leads right to it. Needless to say I hope this ones a girl day you look and wonder what it could be...the next day balls are hanging every where....when it's time you will know what you got...until then just sit back and enjoy the ride
is there anyway you could look at my plant and kinda maybe let me know what it is indica/sativa? I think Sativa, I know alil bout some things I think Sativas have wider leaves and usually shorter in size? I could def be wrong but I think thats what I've heard before. If you need any more pics just lemme know/


Well-Known Member
to the op i would say that plant is 100% a girl, do i win a prize? to the guy who posted a plant halfway down the page sorry dude that is a male
to the op i would say that plant is 100% a girl, do i win a prize? to the guy who posted a plant halfway down the page sorry dude that is a male
Which plant is a male the other kid who posted a pic of his with the little ball on the right side 2nd node down?


Well-Known Member
easy there petey, i think ghb is jumping the gun.......let mother take her time she's not ready to tell you to your other q, fat leaves=indica skinny=sativa, yours looks indica dominant


Active Member
Indica: Generally shorter, wider leaves, more bushey/branchey Sativa: Generally taller, thinner leaves, longer internode distance. It's a bit early to tell if yours is male or female... if i had to guess now i'd say it looks like a girl, but...that's just a guess, which is all anyone can do at this point. If you badly need to know you can take a cutting from it and place that on 12/12 and it will show sex in a week or two. Or you can wait for mother nature to inform you ;)


I'm in the same scenario, and this is my one and only plant besides a half-burnt seedling so it's been exciting, lol. The first pics looks like the growth of a pistil but no hair yet, right? I've only found one growth like this. The other looks like a ball but I think it's too early to tell-(plus it is closer to new growth as opposed to the more developed pistil that is a node lower than the ball) Hopefully this helps other people compare their pre-flowers with another plant. This was a freebie seed from herbie's called "Big Bud #2". The thing is super vigorous, I can only hope...


Active Member
Hard to tell this early, my guess is it's a girl but again it's pretty early. Just cross your fingers and pray for no balls.
I have a question we had some sever weather last night, and this morning when I got a chance to look at it. It has 2 branches that boke and all the leaves are stripped from them. The plant is pretty mature and strong, Should I just cut them 2 branches off or no?? Pics later today any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
If there lower branches I would say cut but if there still hanging on and are near the top maybe try n duct tape them together n see how they hold up after a few days? You will notice saggy leafs an shit if its gonna die anyways.
I'm going to post some pics of the damage that has occured to my plant over the past week or so. I just want to know if all of this trauma that has been inflicted to it can mess it up like make it become a male if it is in fact a female? Also if I should leave the bare branches on the plant or cut them off at the base IDK what to do I've never had this much bullshit happen to one F#cking plant


Well-Known Member
it's never happened to me but I've read stress can make them hermie......throw up some pix homie and let's have a look see.....plants can take an amazing amount of abuse especially in veg stage so don't stress your own bad self out.....i had the glass from my hood fall right on top of a plant and surgically removed a main branch at the stem, she healed up and the rest of the branches just grew more because of the open space


Active Member
Hard to give advice with no photos, if its not totally fucked then leave it, if they are broken you can splint them and they will heal. ps pics