Male or female with pics


Active Member

My plant is about 5 months old, i just put it on 12/12 about a week ago n i already see white hairs but not sure. Like isent it suppose to take a little longer than that, if not than great. Just a little confused so if someone can make things clear for me i will greatly be thankful



Active Member
wow are you serious? if you reallyhave to ask wether thats male or female you shouldnt be growing pot just throw it in the garbage right now and find a new hobby. i think the reason youve bumped it 4 times with no response is your just fucking lazy. your lucky the first guy responded atleast


Active Member
haha thats y i posted it in the newb section u fuking moron. looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. lol grow up dude


Active Member
yeah def a female. probably didn't take long because you grew it for such a long amount of time. grats on your baby girl


Active Member
it has hairs popping out everywhere you fucking moron. instead of wasting peoples time read first instead of bein a lazy fuckin retard. i didnt wake up on the wrong side of the bed im just so annoyed with stupid ass posts like this from lazy ass people like you that cant look at one of the other 1000000 posts asking the same question with post after post of clear pictures to show the difference between male and female

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
Yo man that plants a male!!! Male plants are cursed! You'll never get any female plants if it curses your grow room ! The only solution to your problem is take that plant put the roots in a water bottle with water in it of corse and seal the top then wrap it in christmas wrapping ppaper and send it to me in the mail! Ill kill it for u and then u wont have a cursed grow room


Active Member
it has hairs popping out everywhere you fucking moron. instead of wasting peoples time read first instead of bein a lazy fuckin retard. i didnt wake up on the wrong side of the bed im just so annoyed with stupid ass posts like this from lazy ass people like you that cant look at one of the other 1000000 posts asking the same question with post after post of clear pictures to show the difference between male and female
you waste your own time looking at this...simply go post on another thread lol...stupied ass ppl


Active Member
Yo man that plants a male!!! Male plants are cursed! You'll never get any female plants if it curses your grow room ! The only solution to your problem is take that plant put the roots in a water bottle with water in it of corse and seal the top then wrap it in christmas wrapping ppaper and send it to me in the mail! Ill kill it for u and then u wont have a cursed grow room
thanksfor trying to give me false info. what a great guy. lol


Well-Known Member
I agree with some the people here man, I dont agree with them telling you that your dumb without any tact at all. However it is one thing to ask about a sex question when it is just preflowers early on and a little tough for a noob to tell but when your plant has hairs everywhere like that its obviously a female and any noob that would take 1 min to google marijuana sex and see for themselves.

Im hoping you just did this thread as a joke or whatever but if you truly did not know this was a female I suggest you start learning to use the search button and start reading guides on growing as you obviously have alot to learn.


Active Member
I agree with some the people here man, I dont agree with them telling you that your dumb without any tact at all. However it is one thing to ask about a sex question when it is just preflowers early on and a little tough for a noob to tell but when your plant has hairs everywhere like that its obviously a female and any noob that would take 1 min to google marijuana sex and see for themselves.

Im hoping you just did this thread as a joke or whatever but if you truly did not know this was a female I suggest you start learning to use the search button and start reading guides on growing as you obviously have alot to learn.
Its call a Newbie section for a reason. If you dont like my posts then dont post at all and get off my post. your just wasting your time n all the others. I dont understand people when they try and tell people what to post and not to post. Its a website to freely talk about your thoughts and opions. so looks like your just going to have to tuf it out ofr the both of ya's :)


Well-Known Member
Didnt say I dont like your post or disagree with you posting it if you truly in fact had no idea and needed the help.

Im just trying to help you further by letting you know you should be doing some serious researching on growing if you indeed did not know this was female then there has to be alot more about growing you need to learn.


Well-Known Member
Dont sweat the other guys who want to play it off like they know whats up. 10 grows and you can still learn shit.

There are no dumb questions here. We are here to learn and help.