Male or Female


Well-Known Member
I can differentiate female and males plants, the light I seek is growth parameters to encourage, induce, or favor the female determination of a seeedling.
I have read that moist, cool, and nitrogen enriched soil will favor the plants to become female. Dry, hot, and potassium enriched soil will favor the plant to become male.
I have had varying success due to inconsistencies in maintaining these growing conditions while guerilla growing.

Are these truthful ideas of trying to grow female plants, or Old Wife's Tales?


Well-Known Member
i would have to say old wife's tale.....i grew a plant in compost with no nutes for a while....and then i put it in miracle grow soil right before i put it in 12/12 to sex it...well it ended up being a i don't think that whole nitrogen rich soil thing is true...


Well-Known Member
i would have to say old wife's tale.....i grew a plant in compost with no nutes for a while....and then i put it in miracle grow soil right before i put it in 12/12 to sex it...well it ended up being a i don't think that whole nitrogen rich soil thing is true...
Right, no nutrients and ended up female, ok. What about these other parameters cool or hot and moist or dry?

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
better and more stable conditions will get you more ladies but its a crap shoot. I usually get 2 outta 3 that turn out to be female. On my last grow I grew 3 of one strain and 3 of another and I got only one outta one of my strains and all 3 on my other. The average is about the same for me


New Member
hermies can be produced by at least two methods....(maybe more?)

1.) gets passed down and is in the RNA of that seed before you even plant it.
2.) plant stress is the other one.

If there are any more, could be, I am not aware of it. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I think remembering that I read about the cool, moist, nitrogen enriched female enducement from someone quoting Soma and his natural ways.


New Member
Yes, well I think that could be considered a stress reducer. Since hermies are also genetic, it's possible that when one pops up, people mistakenly think a stress has occurred. Maybe, but it's possible that it was going to hermie no matter what you did. Just a thought... :peace:

out. :blsmoke: