male or female

You need to take a more direct photo of the nodes. From what I understand it, if little white "tongues" are coming out of the "balls" like a girl sticking her tongue out, you have a female. Males can look very similar, but the little tongue will be outside of the "ball".


Well-Known Member
thought they were balls of a male cheers only been on flower 2 days 4 out of 17 show white hairs defo female and all have growth like pic cheers mate


Well-Known Member
All im seeing are stipules,which arent a sign of sex at all,its pretty unlikely they're showin sex after 2 days flower.
Its even more unlikely that all 17 would be female.
Just keep in mind, it's not the shape or configuration of the hairs that matter. It's whether or not the hairs are coming from inside that little bulb. In a female plant they serve to collect pollen and draw it into the bud in order to create seeds. But you don't want that (unless you're going to sell or store seeds).


Well-Known Member
All im seeing are stipules,which arent a sign of sex at all,its pretty unlikely they're showin sex after 2 days flower.
Its even more unlikely that all 17 would be female.
Unless they come from a homi which they did so all should be female i just did not know if i was right but looks like i am and 4 plants defo showing sex after 16 hours 2 showed white hairs now 4 have loads of white hairs and all look the same head fuck


Well-Known Member
Just keep in mind, it's not the shape or configuration of the hairs that matter. It's whether or not the hairs are coming from inside that little bulb. In a female plant they serve to collect pollen and draw it into the bud in order to create seeds. But you don't want that (unless you're going to sell or store seeds).
I know what you mean as four definitely have white hairs coming out and I was thinking of stressing one female to get fem seeds back but not until the summer and of one of the clones which I have for every plant


Well-Known Member
From the pics I could not tell the sex. I think you need to wait it out, 16 hours from the light cycle change is not enough for them to show sex. If they are indeed clones then you most likely have all females. So are these Snow white from Nirvana seeds? I picked up a pack of femmed seeds from there and not a single one survived past 1" tall. I talked to Nirvana about it any they sent me another pack.... free of charge. I'm excited to see how they turn out. I'm subscribed so keep posting pics please!
I know what you mean as four definitely have white hairs coming out and I was thinking of stressing one female to get fem seeds back but not until the summer and of one of the clones which I have for every plant
I don't know if you're guaranteed fem seeds just because you have a fem plant. If you want to guarantee females on your next batch the best thing you can do is take a clone or two from your healthiest girls. I think you need hermaphrodites to get fem seeds. And even then, keep in mind that stress can turn a fem into a "mem" so even buying feminized seeds is no guarantee that you will have all females. Nothing is ever guaranteed.

Don't take other people's negativity to heart. Read up everything you can. This place and are a great resource for new growers.


Well-Known Member
U really dont know wat the fuck ur talkin about do u?
homiadite plants the stressing of a plant until it thinks it’s about to die produced pollen sacks and pollinates its self-seeds produced in this manner are female only so yes I think I do less of the swearing and character assassination one more bad remark and I will report thread to site admin and have you barred


Well-Known Member
thats how you get hermaphrodites is stress and female seeds is waht you get google it i am not wrong