Male or Female


Well-Known Member
Looks female, but still pretty early to tell... the sacs are pointed up which is a trait of the females, the ones hanging down are pollen sacs.


In the first picture that is a hair that appeared today.......but lower down are the second & third pictures.....I guess I will have to keep a close eye on it, as i already have 5 females & want to yank any males as soon as they show........none of my other females have anything on them like pics 2 & 3.....possibly hermi? Thanks for the replies by the way.


Active Member
In the first picture that is a hair that appeared today.......but lower down are the second & third pictures.....I guess I will have to keep a close eye on it, as i already have 5 females & want to yank any males as soon as they show........none of my other females have anything on them like pics 2 & 3.....possibly hermi? Thanks for the replies by the way.
If that's the case it does look like a hermi. But I would give it a few more days.


Well-Known Member
yeah, thats what i'm thinking......if that is a male pollen sac, how long do they usually take to open??
You have a ways before that will open. They will typically turn down then separate into individual bananas at that point the slightest touch will open it. I agree the pics 2 and 3 look male but give them a min to make sure I've had plants that I thought for sure were male very early like that and then give it a week and you see hairs. Pic 1 I cant tell from that pic, might be too early.
Well in pic 1 right in the center of the picture, that is a white hair, it's just not a real good photo. I will give it a bit to see which way it looks like it is going to go. This is my first grow & didn't want to come home from work tomorrow & find a little yellow flower. I appreciate all the responses, Thank you all.


Well-Known Member
If its a white fuzzy hair which will eventually separate into 2 hairs then yea its a female, if its green which is what I see (its blurry tho) that its just a stipule and that tells you nothing.