Male or Female

Ok guys after further investigation lol and looking at my other plant this is what I found
both these plants are in the same place and were planted at the same time

First pic are do theses look like balls starting to form?
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this is my other plant this is telling me its a female right??

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possibly for the fem for the last two, possibly but its kinda blury. when you see it you'll go oh shit thats exactly what everyone was telling me. Im telling you, Google Image search cannabis male flower/female flower and look at about 50 pages of pics. The first two pics are nothing, just wait abit longer and it will be clear.. patience young grasshoppa! trust me I know the feeling of wanting to know lol, no worries, just give em another few days and you'll know
possibly for the fem for the last two, possibly but its kinda blury. when you see it you'll go oh shit thats exactly what everyone was telling me. Im telling you, Google Image search cannabis male flower/female flower and look at about 50 pages of pics. The first two pics are nothing, just wait abit longer and it will be clear.. patience young grasshoppa! trust me I know the feeling of wanting to know lol, no worries, just give em another few days and you'll know

Your user name sucks and I don't like it.
GrR!R! Still not seeing any signs other plant clearly a female still nothing from this plant not that I see anyways here are some update pictures sorry for the quality that's why I tried taking alot of pics at different angles let me know what you see! please and thank you

You will know when you see it, female pistils are very distinct white color. They will be one or two long white fuzzy hairs poking out from a crotch. A male flower will begin to develop as a little tiny football or nut shape at a crotch (where a leafstalk separates from a branch or stem) it can take awhile to show, dont worry. Try getting some far IR 700nm light in there to help trigger flowering. Again, you will know it when you see it, until then go to google images and search for pics... there are ten million HD pics w arrows and everything.
Yeah I know what the females look like my other ones have white hairs this one dont only one not showing me any signs other then what you see
Sometimes good things come to those who wait! really hard to tell from the pics but I have had some lag behind the others too. Even if it is a male you will clearly see it and will have plenty of time to remove it. just remember "which one doesn't belong"! good luck with the grow and GO SPARTY!!!!!!