Male or Female


Well-Known Member
As much of an experienced grower I have become to be, I hate growing bagseed. I'm not sure if it's my lack of patientce with finding out its a male, or the amount of TLC time ive wasted for a damn male. Either way...I posted pics last week of a 1 wk flowering plant which turned out to be male.

This one has been in now 5 days I ask can you tell if it's a male or female? I've gone ahead an uploaded some detailed pics.



Well-Known Member
As much of an experienced grower I have become to be, I hate growing bagseed. I'm not sure if it's my lack of patientce with finding out its a male, or the amount of TLC time ive wasted for a damn male. Either way...I posted pics last week of a 1 wk flowering plant which turned out to be male.

This one has been in now 5 days I ask can you tell if it's a male or female? I've gone ahead an uploaded some detailed pics.

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maybe fems but not 100 pe cent sure, it will show properly 1-2 into 12/12 :)


Well-Known Member
It is now day 6 of 12/12. My other one showed sex (male) on day 3 or so. This one still has not....that is why im hoping that its a female. They both went in at the same time.


Well-Known Member
i know exactl what you mean after somewhat wasting months of time for an abundance of risky pollen,i know its hard to call,but imho it looks like a male