Male or female?


Well-Known Member
Okay so i am now 1 week and one day into flowering. I am growing some purple power strain, and one seed from some killer chronic i smoke with a friend. One died due to fungus gnats and now i have 4 purple power and my big 5 foot bitch...
These are a pic of what the two males look like, i am pretty positive they are males and i know for sure the other are female, saw some white pistils today...and the 5 foot monster is female too hooray....But just like anyone else its always good to have a second opionion.....anyone...? should i kill it now or wait a couple more days to see if they get larger, how long can i wait before they pollinate the females...??


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks guys...Always good to have a secong opinion....ill kill it tonight before 12/12, anyone else think otherwise before i do....