
Well-Known Member
Awesome pics and clear, concise descriptions. Thanks, man. Best to-the-point primer I've seen yet on this.
yeah its confusin , cuz in some of the difference tutorials showin the diff between sex the females r like oval with the white hairs, in person i couldnt even see that white hair, until i zoomed in with the camera n posted them on comp...will the signs get bigger? n easier to tell as time goes on?
Yes the signs will get bigger and much easier to tell, IMO you are rushing through this. Let the plants take the time they need. In the mean time, get ready for the next grow so you arent so anxious next time.


Active Member
this is new pics that i just took 5 min ago.....pls helpppppp the pics with my hand is a plant that i am hoping and believe is a female,.. the other pics are all of the other plant that i am not sure..i thought i seen a few ballls on it, but not very sure im gonnna give it more time...i took the best pics i cud.. imma b away for a weekk its on a timer and i hope this person can water it here and there....alright pls lv fdback!!



Active Member
so wait... you havent even put these plants into 12/12 light schedule yet?

i dont see any white hairs in any of the pics all i see is veg growth and until you switch your lighting schedule over from 24 hours a day to 12 hours lights on/12 hours lights off you wont be able to determine the sex of the plant. Switching from longer light schedules to shorter light schedules is called forced flowering... thus meaning until you force flowering upon your plant you wont know whether its male or female... get it?

i take it this must be your first grow?
This is not true. I have a plant that is 1 1/2 month old and there are white hairs here and there and it is not done with the veg state


Active Member
sit was actuallllly reallllly easy to telll, i had two definete males and rippped them out, they had a ishhhhhhh load of ballls on them.. I have 3 pos females that i believe i see, because i see the white hairs on them, the others im alittle worrried because i cant tell the sex yet, this strain sucks, and i wont b able to take care of these in week, ill be away, so i hope if any others turn male ill be able to rip them out!, will take up to date pics of the plants later, there in there dark period right nows