Male...Or new nodular growth? Quick answers needed


Well-Known Member
Hey all just a quick question....Male or new nodular growth??

Need to know asap i have 3 females close by.

Cheers all..


Marty B :leaf:
Its a hard call this one! its my last plant to show its sex..

plus there is only the one ball i had a male showing multiple sacks in the same area...

Never mind keep ya thoughts coming i need this concluded ha :leaf:
Not new growth. doesn't have the crab claw or little stick like a male preflower but seems a little to round to be a female preflower. If I took a guess I'd say female, but that's all it is on this one, a guess. Just give this one some time. Curious how it could be new growth? Never had 2 branches grow out a node at the same time.