Male plant with female hairs poking out through the pollen clusters.


Active Member
Hey so my freind has this hermi that is a male with female hairs poking out of the pollen clusters, mostly at the very top of the pollen clusters.

I heard from someone that this will cause feminized seeds, is this true?

I know with a female that goes hermi you can get feminized seeds but will this male that is turning female have feminized seeds??


Well-Known Member
I'm under the impression that unless there is a Calyx there cannot be a seed. So unless it starts growing buds instead of pollen sacks dont count on any seeds just pollen.


Well-Known Member
Yeah a male can hermie out too. The seeds should be the same as a dominate female hermie. In a recent issue of High Times it said that the seeds will be female with about 50% being hermie...Good luck JR


Active Member
Awesome thanks bro! Maybe I should just let it go and see if it does anything cool because I sure do love the structure of the plant and how perfect it is. Its sister made very nice buds so I hope the female offspring of the hermi turns out wonderful too!