Male plant?


Active Member
Is this a male plant or is it too early to tell?
Bit early to tell. Just wait a little longer. But I'd say female.. Iv had mine on veg on week 3 3 out of 4 are female and the other as the smallest of a white hair showing. Hang in there its worth the wait.


Active Member
I wud keep a very close eye on it.. If it is its still early to tell. Don't want to choke it just in case. Separate from any others till your 100%sure of the sex.. Had the same a few years ago. Didn't know wasn't sure so put it outside. And glow me it turned out to be a lovely fem.. Which grew amazing.. Gl with it though


Well-Known Member
3 weeks over and the plant is still not COMPLICIT!
(could've takern a cut and flowered that during that time to be really shure...)