Male plant ?????????


hi i have been flowereing for 2 weeks now and not sure if my swiss cheese is a male i have looked on pictures on the web and getting mixed fellings

anybody tell me there aww wee kinda things that look like they might pop out and turn into a bud but dunno

hers 2 pics not the best. IMG00088-20110127-1144.jpgIMG00087-20110127-1143.jpg


Well-Known Member
I can't really tell from looking at those pics. Can you take a couple more closer and make them a little less blurry?


right all the way from the bottom untill about 2 inches these seems to be 1 wee hair at each leaf joint
then at the top there are wee things that look like when a rose bud appears kinda



thinkin of leavin it anothr week or too to determin wether its fem or male if its male aww well hes for the chop if no happy budding


Well-Known Member
give it another week, if you don't see pistils, chop it. don't worry about it for now, males take many weeks to become mature enough to pollinate a female.


Active Member
pics are still a bit blurry, take the shot from farther back then enlarge and crop it. you will get much better shots. but that really does look like a male. its not common for a female to get clusters like that at the base of a branch.


ano im gonna leave it for another week see whta happennd then i will really be able to tell and it will still be too mature to pollenate wont it