male plants?? best method for getting baked


Well-Known Member
alrite guys
I had a few plants growing in a wilma system they were looking great:weed:, untill i put them into flowering and all my plants turned out male apart from 1 :spew:
this is my second time growing and i was pretty gutted but i know practice makes perfect. The seeds i had growing from were from a friend that had produced the himself. 1 out of 8 plants were female so i think the genetics in the seeds must be messed up. I am posting this thread to find out your opinions on what to do with male plants. I have took all the shoots as i have heard they contain the most THC in them. would you suggest smoking them??making some honey oil, cannabutter or bubble hash. I have also got the rest of the plants are they worth keeping?? what would you make or smoke in this situation?? all replys appreciated.
thanks for taking the time to read this post. :joint:
ok well

dont smoke it thc content is so low all youll do is get dizzy from co2 asphexia

males dont usually have enough resin production to make any decent amount of bubble hash.

low thc content will make cannabutter soooooooo green and chlorophyll tasting it wont be very good.

id go with honey oil myself, its making the best of a bad situation.

and dont take it too hard, my first grow gave me 5 males in a row.

temprerature during germination seems to play a role in male female ratio
ok ill give the honey oil a shot and see how it goes that stuff is mad :weed: chrz for the info
hey another thing i was wondering what parts of the male plants am i best using? just the shoots and leave or should i stick the stems in there aswell? i have a hell alot of plant cut up (2 black bags full) am i able to use all of this matter??
thanks for the help:lol: