• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/


Please try this out. Let me know how it was for you?

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Hello everybody. This is my first time here on rollitup. I am a long time reader and have successfully grown 4 females in a custom made grow cabinet while i was away at my college apartment. Awesome and straightforwad information here.

Anyway for my first thread/topic i wanted to discuss the most interesting experiment during the life of my first grow. DONT THROW AWAY MALE PLANTS IF YOU WANNA MAKE CANNABUTTER!

I was growing big bud and northern lights. I bought a mix pack with 10 seeds these were the only 2 strains. I planted 6 and ended up with 4 females and 2 males when i got back from a small break home. I was worried about pollen so i took out the males immedienly. However as i found out the females got pollenated. It was my first time. i got seedy bud but i have the seeds now and got 2 3/4oz.

I kept the male plants out of the closet in the corner of my room for the mext 3 1/2 weeks. So i would say they were 4 maybe 5 weeks into flowering. I coulndt satnd the pollen pofing out everywhere so i decided they had to go. I looked up tons of threads on many websites just to see if there was any use at all for the males. Mostly all negative stuff and very little about effextivel using them for cannabutter.

I took one morning and killed both male plants. Mind you i was in a huge rush to do the following it took me about 4 hours. I broke off all the fan leaves and dried them quckly in my oven until the crumbled on a baking sheet. Checking frequently. Next i cut all the steams from the fan leaves off until they met the trunk of the plant. These plants were 3 1/2 feet tall. I dried the stems. I left the trunks in the pot and did not use them. I crumbled up all the leaves and tried to get them as small as possible. I then took one stick of butter and 3-4cups of water. I did this so the butter does not burn. I cooked the stems and the leaf matter for 90 minutes in the butter. I used a regular cooking pot. In the end i used about a half gallon of matter in a gallon zip lock freezer bag.

After it cooked I poured the solution into a large bowl through a strainer or collander, covered it and waited 4 hours. There will be little things floating but its all good dont worry. I came back and collected ALL of the fatty deposits made a large butter ball. It always comes out that u get a little less butter than what you started with because your lose the water from the butter stick. Then i followed a simple chocolate chip cookie recipe that made 18 one inch cookies.

My freinds came over to play a poker game. My roomate was down for the idea earlier in the day but we believed it wouldnt work. One of my other freinds tried them too. We each ate 5 cookies in an overall time of 90 minutes and we felt NOTHING. BUT after a few more hands we were feeling funny but couldnt telll what it was. Over the next 2 hours the shit just took off and i had never been so high b4 in my life. I was playing poker hands that i had many turns ago lol. For the next 6-8hours it lasted between me anfd my one freind we at a total of 7 each (made 19).

Totally WORTH IT especially if your away at college. I wont ramble about what else happend because i rambled enough already lol. SOrry it was my first time posting i wanted to share my favortie and most surprising cannibus story.
~Smoke Blissfully, Life Is Good!
it works with the females too. You can use a little bit of bud if you want too but its not neccesarry. I have made this butter without using any chronic the small amounts of THC in the plant just get extracted into the fat molecules. (My females were 4 ft each and 4 of them)


This thread is exactly what I needed, I have one male and one female plant (first time planting for me, outdoors in separate pots). One of the plants just flowered and proved to be male, i am separating it from the other, which is looking like female more and more.

Anyway, I just wanted to ask - does the THC content in the males goes up over time? You mentioned that your male plants were a month or so into flowering, 3.5 feet tall, and you couldn't stand the pollen bursts. My plant is about 18 inches tall, and 2 weeks into flowering (i planted late in the season).

I want to know if I can kill my male plant now, dehydrate the leaves/stems in my dehydrator (at lowest temp, checking frequently), and use all with one stick of butter...do you think it will be enough THC to make it worth the effort? Also, any opinion on trying to make hash with a male plant? I prefer smoking over eating, although I do have some wicked baking recipes from my grandma.

Thanks for your help!
Im not a pro yet lol...but i would assume the thc content would maybe get little bit stronger. Try giving it one more week. From what i read it probably woulndt be thats signifigent of a change but hey it wouldnt hurt to try. Since i used only one stick for two medium-large male plants and you only have one, id suggest maybe doing no more 3/4 of a stick bc you would want the butter to be as potent as possible bc u wouldnt get more than one recipes worth of cookies anyway. With one plant in my ecperience would be good for just you maybe a freind. On the hash i have looked at methods online but i never tried it bc i never bought butane. Let me know how it goes i am a beleiver in this bc u fuckn worked and i honestly didnt think that it would.

P.S. good move on separating the male and female. I was away on october break with my gf when the stsred showing signs of flowering and 3/4 of my females got pollinated. It killed my yield a bit but it was m first time and now i have tons of Northern Lights x Big bud seeds so now i dont have to buy seeds again :-). Now bc im livivng at home im trying lowryder 2 for the first time they havent germinated yet but im exctited to have my own little bushes.
btw if you are going to try this the butter must be on a light simmer for those 90 minutes. Bring the water and butter to a quick boil. add the plant matter and reduce to a simmer and WATCH IT. You want as much water as possible to evaporate but at the same time if too much evaporates u risk burning the butter (not good). Also when straining the mixture ( i used a rubber glove) squeeze the plant matter to get as much out of it into the bowl as possible. I believe this makes a huge differences bc u can feel and see the extra fat coming out of the plant matter. Dont forget THC is only fat soluble so u want as much grease in there as possible.


in most hash making countries they use the males and females to make hash


OK, so I killed off my male, he went peacefully... I got too paranoid about pollination.

All the leaves, stems, and pollen sacks from the male are in a dehydrator now, i am going to make a batch of cannabutter (probably using 3/4 stick, one batch).

I will repost in about a week or two on the results.

Thanks for the advice!


New Member
for alll you ppl who have malew and female plants get them away from eachother.. those of you who hace separated male and female plants make sude you brish off yuor clothing after visiting a male plants and bofore visiting a female... the polen will get trapped on your clothing and polinate your femmales... just thought i would help:P:P


Well-Known Member
I'm going to make mine tonight out of 2 males that have been vegging since late april. One was over 10ft and the other was about 7ft.. I got lots of trimmings and plan on using it all to make 1lb of butter. Hopefully this shit is potent! I'll let you all know how mine turns out.


Well-Known Member
I made my butter last night.. It definitely tastes like shit but it does the trick. Sorry for all the posts to the same thread but I'm new here. How do I works towards getting rid of the label of stranger?


New Member
I made my butter last night.. It definitely tastes like shit but it does the trick. Sorry for all the posts to the same thread but I'm new here. How do I works towards getting rid of the label of stranger?
You can use canola oil even milk all it needs is a fat to infuse too I use salted butter myself been making butter for 5 years I use the leaf from my females and makes, male plants actually have more thc content in there leaves then female leaves I've never had a bad batch of butter


New Member
You can use canola oil even milk all it needs is a fat to infuse too I use salted butter myself been making butter for 5 years I use the leaf from my females and makes, male plants actually have more thc content in there leaves then female leaves I've never had a bad batch of butter
Sorry auto correct lol I use both male and female leaves for my butter