Missouri Green
Active Member
so my problem is this.... never bred before... got 2 cabs in basement.. one cab has 5 bansai for breeding , one male and 4 females. my other cab has one single female for hopefully unseeded bud and is 12 days behind the other 5. the male is popping some pods and i've got a fan spreading pollen inside the cab.. vent fans are week but existant.. i've tried to filter the flow but its not good. my other cab has a well secured cheap air filter that claims to capture pollen 1 . .. anyway i flipped the main plant 3-4 days ago...when do i really need to start to worry about my main plant and pollen in the area. cabs are about 12 ft appart. I'm hoping i can leave the male for say another week... then collect pollen and kill it. ? I might get a couple seeds on the main female but all the better i guess. the plant should be mostly seedless if exposed to pollen in the first week or two after flip? we good?