Male with my Females...Bad???


Sup everyone...we are about a week into the flowering stage on our 4 purps plants and we came to realize 1 was a male. we removed it immediately. is this too late for us to save the others??


Well-Known Member
hey bro, you're fine. They don't actually pollinate anything unless the male flowers open up, which takes longer than a week.


New Member
A week.... yes it's all over....whatever the has already occurred.

Unless you happen to have a DeLorean and a FLUX Capacitor!


Well-Known Member
if they did get polenated by the male there is some spray u can get from ya local hydro shop for that


Well-Known Member
alright i guess i will try to get some spray and wait for the best
My usual question.......What's wrong with seeds??????

It's so easy to manage gettting just a "few" seeds.

Is that not what we all want?????


Active Member
Seeds are good man. I don't know whats wrong with you, but its ALWAYS good to have seeds if you intend upon another grow(or even if you don't, they're the most nutritious seeds in the world, eat up.) Cuz I mean, if you have clones they might die where to then? Seed banks? thats no fun. Sorry if i came down a little hard....


Well-Known Member
Its called learn how to grow. Clones die because people are too stupid to perform a task as simple as rooting cuttings. Actually, I am glad to see this kind of shit. It assures that my weed will only go up in price.

And I love the gay jesus.

Is that a joint and a beer he is holding?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....yet another new RIU guru! LOL!!!!
NONE of my clones die. I deliberately grow to get a MAX of 10 seeds.....sometimes up to about 20. You intentionally don't get seeds because you are an ignorant little 20 year old punk feeling like a bad ass for being a dealer.
Up the price on your weed you big badass you.....I'll be LOVINGLY and JOYFULLY teaching others to grow their SELFISH lil p_i_k.:weed:

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