Males...Anything good out them?


Well-Known Member
You can harvest pollen from the male, and then fertilize some of the lower buds on a female to get some seeds. Just be careful you don't pollinate the whole garden.


if the hermie pollinates itself the seeds will tend to be on the hermie side of the genetic pool, BUT if you take the pollen from the hermie and use it on a DIFFERENT female plant to pollinate IT you will produce 100% feminized seeds with a small probability of some hermieing. because there is no male dna in the pollen the hermie produced therefore producing feminized seeds.


New Member
Def try smoking the leaf man, some leaves will get you ripped even male leaves, it is worth a try that is all I have to say...I have had leaves before that get me almost as high as the buds...

Destroy it 4 sure

but try to smoke the leaves..if you get high then make hash/butter whatever.
I'm sorry, i hate to contradict you, but male have less THC than females, of course. But females have aprox. 14-21% THC by volume while males have 6-16% by volume. (16% for males is really rare though) Make a hash oil out of it it will still get you stoned. Just make sure to cut the pollen pods off of them right b4 they burst, Then chop off the buds (this is usually what they make thai stix with) and process as usual, Keeping separate from the females until they are harvested.


Well-Known Member
hummm males hugh
when i first started 2 + years ago everyone was sayin the same thing
kill the males

i started digging deeper and learned that male polen on a tru female give you good seeds now i hve 3 to ourf hundred

bought traded freebys made

sum males like sum humans only value as fertilizer kill them

now high quality genetic male has value
that value is to knock up the femed seedsyou paid good $$ for - and make babies
new seeds get dem fine girls you paid lots of $$ for knocked up
pimp dem bitches out get seeds and mo seeds
if you a seed whore like me dat is
if not den damn those worthless males

1Luv My Brotha
Stay True


Well-Known Member
if your new to growing intentionally nute burn em so you learn for next time, thats what I gonna do before I kill the basturd

You know what? I actually like that idea. Experiment with them. Intentionally give them too much N or P , whatever and see how they respond.


Of course you can use the males to make hash....I have been growing since the 70's... do you think when you get a 30 Lb 'pillow' of weed from Columbia they have removed the males..non-sense!! I remove my males when i do NOT want to 'seed' things. When making Sensemelia (without seeds) the males are removed..You are talking about 'splitting hairs' when it comes to lower THC levels.. If you have been buying commercialbongsmilie weed off the street. then you have been sucking on males...for sure!!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, i hate to contradict you, but male have less THC than females, of course. But females have aprox. 14-21% THC by volume while males have 6-16% by volume.
This is true, but it isn't the whole picture. At the end of flowering, of course, female plants are much stronger than males. Females also generate a lot more useful material by weight.

But males actually start making THC sooner than females, and youngmale plants are actually much stronger than their female counterparts.

Male plants can actually be reasonably potent, particularly if they're from a strain where the females are really potent. No, you're never going to get something as strong as a good female, but you can have something worthwhile to smoke, particularly if you're otherwise dry.

The key is to select the correct part for smoking, namely just the growing shoots and leaves at the tops of the plants. The rest of the male plants are effectively worthless, except, of course that the pollen sacs are potentially useful to pollinate female plants. I wouldn't try smoking the pollen sacs, though.

Now, of course you can also concentrate the tops of male plants into hash oil, or cannabutter, etc for cooking, but this really only make sense if you have quite a bit of material from males. If you just have one small/young male plant its not worth the bother.


Well-Known Member
You know what? I actually like that idea. Experiment with them. Intentionally give them too much N or P , whatever and see how they respond.
Well, I think its a foregone conclusion how they're respond. Nute burn appears as browning of the leaf tips, and that's what you will see.

I suppose it might be worthwhile to try this once, just to see what nute burn looks like if you've never seen it before, but otherwise keeping males around is largely a waste of your fertilizer, growing space, and time, not to mention putting your female plants at risk of unintended "pregnancy"! While you might use male plants to try and calibrate just how much fertilizer your plants can stand, the problem is that the nutritional requirements of flowering female plants is probably a bit different than male ones, so you'd only end up with a "ball park" estimate.

Alternatively, if all you had was one plant, and it happened to be male, you could use it as a "guinea pig" to get a feel for various training and topping techniques. I think for a new grower that sort of experience is invaluable. Just getting a sense of how far you can bend a plant without breaking it is helpful, and if you can do it without putting a "good" plant at risk, you're that much better off.


Well-Known Member
A nice looking male with big Clusters of pollen sacks are worth way way more then any female that has ever been made. Pollen is a prized posession in the breeding world


I'm sure other people have asked this question, but I couldn't really find anything on the site about it. I heard you can make hash out male plants. Today I found a male and immediately seperated it from the group of females. I don't really want to throw it out since it is 3 ft, so is there something I can do with it, like make hash or something? Please let me know. Thank you.
if your into your growing its good to bag the males (bag and tie seal,and keep the pollen for cross breeding I used nlights to cross with newzeland citrus male made it more black fly resistant . :-o