males in the next room bad?


Well-Known Member
I took out o males form my room and put them in the bath tub in a room over and didnt water them or give them anything lke that or touvh them really ever, is that goingt o be a problem for my grow area over in the next room


Well-Known Member
Also if there is a high volume of traffic while the pollen is released. I could see it traveling on ppl, and in the air if there is enough air circulation.


Well-Known Member
haha thanks dude, but the door to the closet is open 12hrs out of the day, like a screen lol, thats fine I assume


Well-Known Member
i have been sick for like 6 days and didnt feel like doing anything, so I let it go, I got to chop em and bag em tomorrow, I just started to worry and needed to be reassured
thanks again rep


Well-Known Member
O ya dude. I'm pretty sure you pulled them as soon as you saw the balls, correct? If that was the case there was nooooo way you'd have a problem to begin w/ :) Hope you feel better :) Peace