Males....Throw Them Out????


Well-Known Member
I have 4 male plants and they are beautiful and healthy....what do I do with them? Do I throw them out or can they serve some sort of purpose other than fertilizing a female for seeds? How about hash?


Well-Known Member
you can make hash. i believe most ppl just kill them though. make sure you kill it because if the pollen is released from the plant you risk giving your females seeds.


Well-Known Member
stress it by not giving a water and then try to make cannabuter or green dragon ;)

some say you can smoke upper leaves, they carry bit THC so you can get good buzz.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips.
I have them separated from the females right now. It just seems like such a shame to throw them out....especially when I am without right now.

I think I will toss them.


Active Member
if you havnt allready tossed them.. this is what I did with my male plants, Take dried males and crush them up into a fine powder.

Put the powder in a jar with 99% pure Isopropyl alcohol or 190 proof grain alcohol, so the alcohol covers the powder.

Soak in a dark place for anywhere from a couple of hours to a few days.

Pour the mixture through a screen onto a glass plate. A fine kitchen strainer or gold coffee filter work well.

Evaporate the liquid carefully. This can be done either by letting it sit out in a warm place or by heating it up. If you're going to heat it, be's flammable. Do it someplace with good ventilation, preferably near a kitchen exhaust fan that blows outside.

Scrape up the tar with a razor blade or spatula. Try to choose a pan or bowl that won't be harmed by a razor.

If it is too sticky, add a little dry weed powder till it attains the consistancy of silly putty. Work it over and over. This seems to make it bind together.


Well-Known Member
I went to toss them out and I just couldn't do it.

I did the blender method with one. I took Ice and the plant chopped up and blended it 30 seconds. I then strained it through a coffee strainer and then placed it in the frig for 45 mins. The bottom got a nice dense residue and then I re strained it and now it looks as if it is like hash...I dunno, first time for me! I will try the other method above next.

My females are looking very good.....Now, I just need the males to make something for me in the meantime.


Active Member
how many females have you got man? maybe you could sacrafice one of them and shack it up with one of your males and pollinate her. This will get you a bunch of seeds for your next grow! Would save you having to buy more. Only if you have a good few females tho I suppose.


Active Member
I plan to do this on my next grow because I want a seed bank as the laws on seeds are changing here soon. Also I dont plan to be growing all year round so Im not going to be using cuttings


Well-Known Member
I have been doing the seed bank. Getting seeds is going to get real tough...I always do at least one female a grow...I got some killer seeds.
It is easy enough to do...I just don't want to throw my other males out, you know? These guys take work and TIME and I hate to see anything go to waste.
I do agree with the seed bank, they are costly to buy.
Right now I have 11 females and 4 males. I did chop up 1 male and attempted to make hash and I already have 1 male with a female and the other 2 males I am going to do the above method with the alcohol.
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