Mama got raped x thrips.3 wk vedging ATF clone LST

So the mama didn't make it to its end. Got chopped about at least a week early. managed to get at least one clipping before going to flower. And here she is. Looking good I think? Any comments, tips would be helpful. First time grow/cloning



Well-Known Member
Think of the leaves as solar panels that generate the power that enables the plant to grow. It's importants to note that yea, some pruning from time to time is nice. You know, keep low leaves out of the dirt. But early in veg like that plant is, it's ideal to maintain thick foliage to continue fast growth. Right now your plant will continue growing, and probably be very healthy. It just won't grow as fast as it would had you left more fan leaves. You can still train AND maintain a good thick, healthy foliage.


Well-Known Member
I thought all we wanted was all the new growth shooting up?? So keep all the big fan leaves that would be covering new growth?
Also, the lower growth catching up to the main top is due to hormone distribution. The LST is meant to redirect the auxins (the hormone that promotes upward growth) to the lower branches so they catch up. No need to remove and leaves.