Mammoth 8 bar 640w or meijiu a8 650w?


Well-Known Member
Ok so it has come down to 2 different led lights for a 4x4 tent.

The mammoth 8bar 640w and the meijiu a8 650w.

Anyone have comments on either and why i should pick one versus the other.

Thank you
Yeah i was just looking into there new foldable series might just go for them.

Do you think 800w is over kill in a 4x4 tent?
Have a friend with like 8 of those mammoths. He grows in a controlled room, but he likes them a lot so far. If you order from them ask for a hat.
Yeah i was just looking into there new foldable series might just go for them.

Do you think 800w is over kill in a 4x4 tent?
30 - 35 watts per sqft is a good place to be with high quality LED. If you have CO2 enrichment then maybe 40 watts, beyond that and it's just a waste.

50 - 60 watts per sqft is HPS territory.
Yeah i was just looking into there new foldable series might just go for them.

Do you think 800w is over kill in a 4x4 tent?
Hell no. You can dim it down a bit and everything will last longer then. Also, you could turn the shit up if you ever got a bigger tent someday. To each his own, but I say "Go Big or Go Home", lol.

800 watts is overkill though. I'm talking turn it down to 550-600 watts for the 4x4.