Man i hate these Harbor Freight/ Hydrofarm digital timers


Well-Known Member
you know the ones. square with the round raised center portion

had another one fail on me this morning- 3 week s into flower and a few were wilted, will prob have root damage

my 30 year old intermatic sprinkler timer still works like the day i bought it

Avoid these like the plague
you know the ones. square with the round raised center portion

had another one fail on me this morning- 3 week s into flower and a few were wilted, will prob have root damage

my 30 year old intermatic sprinkler timer still works like the day i bought it

Avoid these like the plague

Worn duplex maybe?
I just use sonoffs now but I haven't been running these long enough to say how they hold up. I probably pick up their 4 channel pro after I build my next light instead of just adding more basics.
yeah i guess the popup ones with 15 min intervals can flood tables ok. if my res pump sucks air for a few minutes no big deal
Exactly. Crazy Dago has his trays on the floor and uses float switches to time when to turn his pumps on so he doesn't ever overflow. I don't get how he gets that shit right.
you know the ones. square with the round raised center portion

had another one fail on me this morning- 3 week s into flower and a few were wilted, will prob have root damage

my 30 year old intermatic sprinkler timer still works like the day i bought it

Avoid these like the plague

I had a magnifying glass work once from harbor freight.

I buy pond pumps for my nursery. It's weird, sometimes they last 4 or 5 seasons and other times I'll get 3 uses out of em. Luckily they are cheap enough to buy in bulk.
you know the ones. square with the round raised center portion

had another one fail on me this morning- 3 week s into flower and a few were wilted, will prob have root damage

my 30 year old intermatic sprinkler timer still works like the day i bought it

Avoid these like the plague
those were discontinued by hydro farm a while back,still get same thing but no hydro farm name on it I got a couple 3 yrs old work great others last a week HFgrabed the last of the knock offs
Fwiw, i stopped having issues once i found out about GE's 15a plug in timer & have used them on 1K SHPS & 1K DEHPS multiple times without a single issue and still going. white-ge-timers-15079-c3_1000.jpg
I don't run flood tables but I have four or five if the 15 min analog ones that are five bucks at Walmart. A couple I use on my grow lights and the others for various reasons. I have had one out of six or so fail. The others have been working for a few years now.
Hey guys, so i got a digital timer and it has 3 on/off settings. I set one and left the others at 12:00 pm (default). Since i left these at default, will it mess with my light cycle? Oh and dont buy walmarts hypertough digital timer it has a huge blue light that you have to cover with duct tape. Anywhoo, thats what im using.