Man killed in sacramento for trying to rob plants. One up for us growers *woot woot*

i think ur view might change if someone jacked u for thousands of dollars worth of bud after having put in countless hours of work and a lot of hard earned money.
in washington they have to enter your home or point a gun at you to be self defense, and you still will be charged and have to prove it in court,

RCW 9A.16.110

Defending against violent crime — Reimbursement.

</B>(1) No person in the state shall be placed in legal jeopardy of any kind whatsoever for protecting by any reasonable means necessary, himself or herself, his or her family, or his or her real or personal property, or for coming to the aid of another who is in imminent danger of or the victim of assault, robbery, kidnapping, arson, burglary, rape, murder, or any other violent crime as defined in RCW 9.94A.030.

(2) When a person charged with a crime listed in subsection (1) of this section is found not guilty by reason of self-defense, the state of Washington shall reimburse the defendant for all reasonable costs, including loss of time, legal fees incurred, and other expenses involved in his or her defense. This reimbursement is not an independent cause of action. To award these reasonable costs the trier of fact must find that the defendant's claim of self-defense was sustained by a preponderance of the evidence. If the trier of fact makes a determination of self-defense, the judge shall determine the amount of the award.

Please, let me know if I have missed something. Hope this makes you feel alittle better. The State of Washington will actually reimburse your legal costs if found in self defense. My guess is that will make them alot less likely to even put people on trial. Hard to "prove" someone was not afraid for their life or the lives of others in such a situation.
Shot over plants...only in the US of A.

Trust me, we don't like it either. By far, the vast majority of Americans are good, law abiding, loving people. We give the lion share of aid in the world. We donate money, time, and materials like crazy when other suffer natural disaster. We are a great country.

Do we have scumbags? Yes. But when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. I remember in Dallas, TX, a 14 year old boy went into a gas station and shot the clerk in the face. He wasn't even robbing him. When the police asked him why he did it, he said "I just wanted to see what would happen". There are pieces of shit in this country and they need to be flushed down the toilet by good people, instead of coddled in prisons, at the tax payer's (ONLY good people) expense.


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Sooo... realistically, Im pretty positive the guy had some sort of sharp object to cut the damn plants down anyway...and it could have been any gangster or anybody, and if someone was threatening me on my property and put my life, and my families lives in jeopardy, fuck that... I dont believe people deserve to die over some stupid fucking plants, but thats not why he was shot, he was shot because the guy apparently tried to kill him first and they say "self defense" at the end of the article
RCW 9A.16.110

Defending against violent crime — Reimbursement.

</B>(1) No person in the state shall be placed in legal jeopardy of any kind whatsoever for protecting by any reasonable means necessary, himself or herself, his or her family, or his or her real or personal property, or for coming to the aid of another who is in imminent danger of or the victim of assault, robbery, kidnapping, arson, burglary, rape, murder, or any other violent crime as defined in RCW 9.94A.030.

(2) When a person charged with a crime listed in subsection (1) of this section is found not guilty by reason of self-defense, the state of Washington shall reimburse the defendant for all reasonable costs, including loss of time, legal fees incurred, and other expenses involved in his or her defense. This reimbursement is not an independent cause of action. To award these reasonable costs the trier of fact must find that the defendant's claim of self-defense was sustained by a preponderance of the evidence. If the trier of fact makes a determination of self-defense, the judge shall determine the amount of the award.

Please, let me know if I have missed something. Hope this makes you feel alittle better. The State of Washington will actually reimburse your legal costs if found in self defense. My guess is that will make them alot less likely to even put people on trial. Hard to "prove" someone was not afraid for their life or the lives of others in such a situation.

It did not say theft though? Was the ripper robbing them or stealing them?

I am for the howeowner on this one. But need more facts.

But being the ripper was beat? They said 2 home onwers. Perhaps one was fighting and the other came out with a gun and killed him in self defense. Or they caught him and beat him first then shot him.

News clip

Police: Body found at Sacramento home used as medical marijuana operation |
Americans have such a disgusting view on crime / murder / Guns and a terrible lack of respect for life..... Disgusting!!!!
Yeah and your nonsense is just that NONSENSE hope your family and loves ones dont mind to much while you lay there in the fetal position while they are getting beaten then raped. You sir are the disgusting one sucks your probably somewhere you cant own a firearm and so only criminals own them thats why your scared of firearms you know no real truth only lies being told to you. Also probably from somewhere that complains about another country then when its time to stand and fight you only flee and let us Americans do the fighting.
Total head, Without knowing the sequence of events its hard to say what the injuries to the upper body are and when they were sustained. Could be possible that the was an intial altercation and the homeowner was losing or feared for his life and then shot the perp. We are all grasping at straws until the real story unfolds if it ever does. Slim you have it a little wrong never say shot to kill, its shot to stop the person. In your mind you may be shooting to kill but if ever asked or in that situation I would say I was trying to stop them. Wording goes along way when your being sued or faceing the justice system.
Broad general statement.

OK... 1) Your Government Executes people ~ Disgusting
2) Your Government puts more of its people in jail than Russia did when it was the USSR or south Africa during the apartheide ~ Disgusting
3) Its Legal to have / carry guns ~ Disgusting ( and stupid)
Yeah and your nonsense is just that NONSENSE hope your family and loves ones dont mind to much while you lay there in the fetal position while they are getting beaten then raped. You sir are the disgusting one sucks your probably somewhere you cant own a firearm and so only criminals own them thats why your scared of firearms you know no real truth only lies being told to you. Also probably from somewhere that complains about another country then when its time to stand and fight you only flee and let us Americans do the fighting.
Again another non-point, the guy wasn't trying to get into the house or harm anyone,he was trying to take some pot,he may have only wanted a quarter cos he couldn't have ripped them all by himself...But he was shot and killed for it when firing the shotgun into the air would've sufficed.

The guy couldve jumped over for a look for all we know,and it doesn't say he was armed which would've been mentioned immediately.

The police said originally it could've been self defence,now it's being treated as a homicide investigation.

By the sounds of it to me he was beaten and executed, but I'll wait and see, but shooting the guy in the head/upper body is what most civilised countries call "unnecessary use of force".
Would you shoot someone for taking a bunch of tomatos from your garden?
Weather be my car stereo, my rims, my nice hose in my front yard, my vegetable garden, fuck even nosing around the garage, your intruding at that point, yes my right is to do what I think is right. I'll give someone the benefit of the doubt, but my firearms protect myself and my family, if ever threatened I will pull the trigger, I like to think most thieves if caught will drop what they have and wait till the police come at gun point. I'm not saying lets murder anyone who comes on your property but in this case, a man stealing is plants that probably he makes a living off of, that's stealing no matter how you look at it, tomatoes, pot whatever. If this happened to me in this scenario and the intruder didn't "freeze" like I instructed, yes I'll shoot the man in his back, its the second amendment and my right. Lesson, don't steal.