Man Shot and Killed While Watering Friend's Lawn

Ive seen that video......its still around............saw the one where the cop shot the guy in the back in a subway and ppl had pics of cams and finally got the cop FIRED whoa shuch punishment.......I dont get it anymore...........Ive out lived the fun part of USA..........and i dont see it getting better...........

yea, sometimes being our age aint such a bad thing....we lived in the good ol days (when a buck was a buck and a joint was a bad place to be! gotta give props to" merle the squirrel" on that one) anyways my point is, im glad i dont have to endure another entire lifetime of shit like this, judging from the ever increasing videos that manage to find there way into the publics eyes. ARE THE GOOD TIMES REALLY OVER FOR GOOD? in all my negative posts concerning good cop/bad cop threads (theres been a few...head bowed,tail wagging...) its always boiled down to accountability. and im sorry but i just dont see it. its always "in policy" and the copis back to bus. as usual only on a lower key....gonna go puttin!
whoever suggested I get drunk.....good call. Now I feel like I have to apologize to everyone, I was being an ass......I am fucked in the

I love everyone on this site............fuck, even FDD. LOL

Peace, and tomorrow is a new day.

you are welcome sir.
anytime you need a push towards that liqour....;)
"Dance With the Devil" - my fav immortal song. chilling to hear him tell it. btw, damn shame. hate see families losing the pater familius for no reason. just heartbreaking

2 shotgun blasts and 6 handgun shots? Overkill. I could see where in the dark the hose handle could certainly be misconstrued as a gun but to blast that much without saying a word?